Welcome Home

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The Hufflepuff table burst into applause and I smiled as wide as possible. I was happy to be in Hufflepuff, but saddened to be away from Remus...I knew there was no way he would be a Hufflepuff. Looking at Remus in the crowd I could see the sadness in his eyes as he watched. I then went over to my house table and sat down next to one of two identical red heads. The first one on my immediate right turned to me with a large grin and a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and spoke in a warm tone. (And yes...I am taking creative liberties for this. please don't hate)

"Hello there young lady! My name is Gideon Prewitt and that ugly mug next to me is my twin Fabian. Welcome to Hufflepuff!"

I smiled back at him and laughed.

"Iris Evens. Though you already knew that. It's a pleasure to meet you. But are you sure Fabian is the ugly one?"

I asked him with laughter in my voice and he grinned before placing a hand over his heart as if I shot him, while his twin laughed his head off.

"My lady wounds me with her harsh words!!!"

Fabian then leaned over his brother and extended a hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Iris. I can tell we'll be fast friends."

I took his hand and shook it firmly before giving them both a smile and turned to pay attension to my friends sorting's as McGonigal and the hat called them out.

"Evens, Lily"


I watched with surprise. I was almost positive she would've been put in Ravenclaw. This would be an interesting several years. But with any luck I could avoid her well enough being in two different houses and with different taste in friends.

'Black, Sirius"


The whole Great Hall grew silent in shock. A Black. Sorted into Gryffindor. That was unheard of. I immediately felt sympathy for him. If anything the Black sisters told me had clued me into how their family worked. He was in for hell. However my sympathy quickly dissolved into amusment when he jumped for joy. The Gryffindor house then snapped out it's silence and applauded their newest housemate before McGonigal continued.

"Lovegood, Xenophilius"


Smiling I clapped for him shooting two thumbs up for support when he looked in my direction.

"Lupin, Remus"


I stood up and cheered. I knew he would be there. You can't deal with his condition in the way he does and not have the defining Gryffindor traits. He looked back at me briefly with a little sadness before I gave him an encouraging smile and gestured for him to go. I watched as he sat next to Sirius giving him a small hug before I paid attension once more now that it was Pettigrew's turn.

"Pettigrew, Peter"


 I winced in distaste. Rolling my eyes as he came to sit by Remus immediately honestly are they glued together? I must have been glaring at him a bit long because I felt a small jab at my ribs from Gideon. He smirked at me.

"Careful. That color green clashes with your red hair."

I rolled my eyes at him before turning back to McGonigal.

"Potter, James!"


I once again stood up and cheered, jumping up and down in excitement. He turned and winked at me causing me to blush, the tips of my red hair pinkening slightly. Oh man we are all going to have so much fun together different houses or not!! though my smile somewhat faded as I saw him also send a cocky wink towrds my sister as he sat next to Sirius. Great. Just one more person completely infatuated with miss perfect Lily Evens.

"Prince, Arathorn"


The Slytherin table cheered politely and I joined in with them. Arathorn slowly made his way over to his houses table looking nervous. Before he sat down though he looked at me and I gave him an encouraging nod and straightened my back and gesturing him to take a deep breath. He nodded back and straightened up taking a deep breath then strolled over to his table with confidence.

"White, Annabella"


She laughed and jumped of the stool. Her wings fluttering in excitement. She looked at me and gave me a large grin before bounding over to our table and sitting on my otherside.

McGonigal then rolled up her scroll and joined the rest of the professors at the head table as Dumbledore stepped up to his podium to speak.

"Welcome! Welcome all! Welcome back, or to Hogwarts! School doesn't start until Monday. Therefore you have two days to get to know your way around the castle! Monday morning your heads of houses will give each of you your times tables for the year! That being said I must now warn you. Just outside of the castle there was a new tree planted this year. It's name is the Womping Willow. It is a...nasty bit of work. Any who get to close to it will most assuredly get injured. Therefore I ask each of you to say clear of it. Continuing on. Curfew of being in bed is eleven. Any students out of bed at that time will be givin appropriate punishment. And as our last order of business the Highly Unrecommended Forest is still out of bounds to all students so please refrain from entering said forest unless you have a professors permission. As my last words of the evening. Tuck In"

Right as he finished his speech he raised his arms and a feast appeared on each table. And so began the first day of the next eight years.

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