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All to soon the train ride came to a stop. We had arrived. I then got up and bid goodbye to the Black sisters to go and join my fellow first years, making sure my hair was securely up in a bun. I also knew that we would now have to put up a front in public that we don't like eachother. Even if I were to be placed in Slytherin, we wouldn't be able to hang out because they still thought I was a muggleborn.

After bidding them goodbye I went to go find Remus. By the time I made it to my previous compartment I found it empty. My trunk had already been taken, which were takin by magic so that when we finally got sorted our trunks would be takin to our dorms. My shoulders deflated a little bit as I saw that they didn't wait for me, but I quickly straightened my spine and ran out. Once off of the train I was greeted by the humid Scotland air and a loud but friendly voice that belonged to an extreamly large man, as well as a bunch of kids walking towrds him

"irst years. irst years this way. Please follow me. All irst years this way"

Going towrds him like he had said I kept a look out for my friends, but found no sign of them. Instead as I turned around I saw the three Black sisters watching after me. Each with a barely noticeable smile on their face as the discreetly gave me a thumbs up and encouraging nods, before walking away. With a renewed pep in my step I continued to follow the giant man, until we reached several sets of boats and he gave us more instructions.

"Alrighty now everyone in the boats. Only four per boat please. Get in the boats and keep yer limbs inside at all times. There is a giant squid in this lake and he'z not afraid to grab ya should ya leave yer boat. Other than that he'z completely amless. Nah in the boats ya go."

My eyes widened at the prospect of the squid but I also found myself intrigued. Once again I looked around to find my friends but was disheartened to see them already in a full boat chatting amongst eachother. Peter lurking in their group not really saying anything, but rather sitting there in awe of them. It hurt watching them so easily converse like they weren't even missing a part of their group. Not even Remus seemed bothered. But before I could think on it further the giants voice interrupted my thoughts as he made last calls for everyone to board. Turning around I walked away from the new 'besties' to find my own boat. When I finally came across one that had room for one more I was rather delighted to find that it was with a group of highly interesting looking people. One had pure white hair and some weird looking spectacles on his head. Another was a tall lanky boy, with hair redder than my own and golden eyes that were glowing. And the last was a short girl with spiky purple hair, a pair of translucent wings and several rune like markings on her skin. Happy to be with unique people I took a seat and spoke up.

"Hi! My name is Iris! What's yours?"

As soon as I asked the girl with wings immediately perked up.

"Oh Hi! My Name Is Annabella! But you can call me what ever you would like!!!!!! I swear I thought people would ignore me because of my wings! But look! I have had three people talk to me now!!!!!! It must be my lucky day! You are my friend now! Do you want to be my friend?! I want to be your friend! We can do so many things together!!!!!!"

The girl started bouncing as she spoke and I smiled at her enthusiasm. When she finally stopped her word vomit I cut her off with a smile.

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