Then a a voice said "there weapons may be primitive to you but it depends on skill and not the weapon" I turn to see a tall woman with long blue hair carrying an oversized spear. She then said "my name is Brynhildr one of the kings servants " I then greeted "I'm special opportunist Winter Schnee" Penny then said " salutations!, my name is Penny" she extended her hand to shack hers and Brynhildr giggled softly and shook penny's hand, Elm then said "I'm Elm and right next to me is Harriet" she waved and Brynhildr said "what brings our guests here today?" I replied "we were just exploring the city, I assume your teaching theses soldiers how to use a spear" she nodded and said "yes, someone has too while that spartan is at the wall" I then said "you mean the general in command of the demonic front?" She nodded and she said "we all fight to protect this, it may not be as advanced as the rest of this world but we'll do what we can to protect our families " Harriet then said "you know if you asked Atlas for help you guys might-" she interrupted her "we don't need your help Uruk is strong and we don't need your help" Elm then said "you seemed confident in that" Penny then added "is it because of the king of Uruk's ability?" She nodded and she said "he's the strongest in this howl kingdom, if he wishes it he can wipe out any kingdom in an instant " I was shocked by this and I can tell she's serious and I thought "just how powerful is the king here".

Velvet's POV

We were dragged by Coco AGAIN to go shopping and the very first shop we got to Coco showed the medallion and they have bing showing us all they got. Right now me, Fox, and Yatsuhashi are sitting one a wooden bench waiting for Coco to be done trying on cloths, I then said "sometimes I wonder we should stop our team leaders" Fox then replied "I don't think we got a choice besides if we do Coco might just kidnap us" Yatsuhashi nodded and I only sighed then Coco came out wearing a very exotic looking dress with a red vail covering her mouth, she posed and said "so what do you guys think?" We just gave her a thumbs up and Coco said "oh come on guys give me your honest opinion!" I then said "Coco you look great so can we please just go" the boys agreed then Coco sighed and said "you guys are no fun, fine I'll get this" she then went back into the changing both to get back into her own outfit. I then heard two people talking "I'm telling you Mashu this shopping trip was a long time coming " another voice then said "yes Sempei, the king has bing working us really hard lately so a day off is perfect " I looked to see two teenage girls about our age, one with long black hair tied in twin tails and the other with pinkish hair and a bob hair cut with glasses framing her face nicely. They entered the shop and I got a closer look at the black haired one and she looks exactly like Ishtar, They then spotted us and the pink one said "Sempei look it appears we ran into the guests Ushiwakamaru talked about" the black haired one then marched up to me and extended her hand and said "hello there, my name is Rin, what's yours?"

I greeted back "hi there I'm Velvet and theses guys here are my teammates, Fox and Yatsuhashi " the two waved then Rin said "since you introduced your friends I'll do too, this here is my friend Mashu" Mashu bowed and asked "are you perhaps shopping?" I sighed and said "our team leader Coco dragged us here" Fox then said "and we don't have a choice "just then I heard Coco say "alright guys I'm all set and who are these two?" Yatsuhashi answered "this is Rin and Mashu we just met" Coco then confidently walked up to Rin and said "I'm Coco it's a pleasure to meet you" Rin replied "it's a pleasure, so how do you enjoy the fashion here?" Coco replied "well you can tell a lot about a culture threw there fashion and I got to say even tho some things here are simple they still spread joy" me, Fox, and Yatsuhashi had our mouths agape by this because we did not expect that from Coco. Mashu then smiled and said "your right, the king knows how to make his people happy " after that we decided to hang out with them until it's time to leave.

Blake's POV

(Y/N) decided to show us around the shopping district and it kinda reminds me of a bizarre in a way, everyone was looking around the different stalls while I just stayed behind because I don't see anything that picked my interest. Yang then stood next to me and she said "so Blake see anything you like?" I replied "no it's mostly just food, wool, spices, and a sorted goods" Yang replied "yeah, they don't have much when it comes to entertainment " I nodded then we heard kids laughing and we turned to see kids playing some kind of game. I went up to (Y/N) and I asked "hey (Y/N) do you know what kind of game that is?" She looked were the kids are and she said "no I don't " Ruby then said "it looks fun" Weiss then said "that's the first kind of entertainment I'd seen since here" (Y/N) then said "we all have our own ways to pass the time" she then walked up to the kids and we followed. (Y/N) asked them "what kind of game is that?" One of the kids then said "oh, your majesty!" The rest then said "morning, your majesty!" (Y/N) then said "Ha, what are you playing there?" One of the kids answered "a hero's race!" The girl of the group then asked "you don't know your majesty?" She kneeled down to there level and replied "no, I've never seen this, did this game show up recently?" One of the kids then said "hmmm" (Y/N) then looked at the game carefully then Yang asked me "hey Blake what do you think she is doing?" I answered "I think she's analyzing the game" Weiss then said "there's no way she can figure it out" (Y/N) then said "interesting......... so, this piece should go.... here?" She then moved a piece to one of the squares and one of the kids then said "that's right!" I was shocked she'd figured out a game without knowing the rules and so was Weiss, Yang was just giggling at Weiss's exspens. One of the Kids then said "amazing, your majesty!" (Y/N) then said "it's a simple game but designed to teach you important skills you'll need" she stood up and said "keep playing your game, play well, you are a treasure to our country and naturally that makes you one of my valuable treasures." All the kids then yelled "right!"

                                             (Y/N) then return to us and Ruby asked "how did you know how to play?" She replied "there's nothing I don't know " she then patted Ruby's head. We continued walking and we stopped to get something to eat, but I happen to notice a woman with long green hair with lion like ears and a tail and I thought "is she a fanus?" I then said "I'll catch up with you guys in a bit" I then walked up to the lion woman and I said "excuse me" she turned to me and she looked me up and down and she said "your one of the guest right?" I nodded and I asked "do you mind if I'd talk to you?" She smiled and said "I don't mind". We then sat down at a near by bench and she said "my name is Atalanta, and yours?" I replied "I'm Blake Belladonna, I was wondering are you a fanus?" She arched her brow in confusion then I took off my bow and showed her my ears then she'd realize what I meant and she said" I'm sorry but I'm not my ears and tail are part of a curse but I didn't expect there's people like me in this new world ". I nodded and said "yeah Uruk is actually in the country of Fanus, my uncal runs the place" she nodded and she asked "so tell me what's it like for your people?" I folded my ears and I said "some humans treats us kindly but the rest consider us as lesser beings" she then looked sad and she said "it must be hard for the kids of this world " I nodded and said "yeah for both sides with the Grimm attacking us and the SDC doesn't help. A lot of dust miners in Atles are fanus and many died in the unsafe work environment " I noticed her sad look then we saw a few kids running and that made her happy . I then asked "do you like kids?" She nodded and said "I spent my whole life protecting kids, to make shure they live happily " I couldn't help but admired her for doing that, I then said "at least in some places humans treat Fanus right but I guess we have similar goals" she looked at me and I explained "I want to be the brige between humans and fanus" she smiled then she stood up and said "well I have to go but it was nice talking to you Blake and I hope you reach your goal" I smiled and said "thank you" I but my bow back on and I caought up with the group and after that we went to the bullhead along with (Y/N) and the group she choice for this job and we headed back home and I couldn't help but wonder what will happen now.

Uruk in Remnant (RWBY Harem x Fate Futa reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن