Chapter 3

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                         Winter's POV

After Professor Ozpin's meeting with the king me and the two Ace ops decided to report back to general Ironwood. I took out my military issue scroll and I contacted the general and once he answered I put him on speaker and he said " Schnee, report" I replied " in the Desert we encountered a new kingdom, tho they aren't as technologically advanced as Atlas but it's more like vacuole before the Great War". The general was shocked by this and he asked "what's it like?" I answered "it's peaceful and there military is strong and to top it off they have magic" he was especially interested in that and I explained further"to what I know only the generals, court mage, and the royal family have magic while the rest don't" he took in the information well and he said " I see, so there leaders what are they like?" I replied " they have a king who is rules it, there Queen seems to be his right hand . There daughter the princess of this land has now being the ambassador and will atten beacon academy" the general to a long pause to think and said " ok but before that I want everyone to return to the camp, I'll send a bullhead to your location " I nodded and the call ended.

                                               I went to Professor Ozpin and I heard him say "before we all leave how about we explore the city" Glynda then asked "why for?" He replied "I want to see what there Econamy is like and what goods they sell" Weiss's team overheard this and Yang said "so basically we're site seeing, ok I'm game" I then said "we have time before the bullhead arrives so we have time" then I heard (Y/N) behind me and she said "I don't know what this ''bullhead'' is but given your technology I have to guess a flying Machine" I turned to look at her and I said "to what I saw your people don't have that consept how did you figure is out?" She smuggly said "it's simple even a new born babe can figure it out" I was taken aback a little but by that and it clearly sounded like an insult. I then heard the student Coco said "wait, we can't buy anything I'm pretty shure they don't use Lien here" Weiss then said "your right, (Y/N) what dose your kingdom use for currency?" She replied "bits, copper, silver, gold, and traded goods" I took note of that, she then laughed and said "but worry not!, I'm feeling generous today and I'll pay for anything you may need!" Ozpin then said "thank you your highness, we'll make shure it's not to much" she rolled it off and a portal opened and she stuck her hand into it to pull out five cold medallions with a bright red ruby in the middle and she then tossed it to each group and she said "those worthless trinkets will show were to send the bill, so just showed them you have it and my father will pay for it" I remember something like this in history class, a medal or bage that showed your under the kings protection but this is something that no ruler could pass out so casually. I then said "aren't these supposed to be impossible to get and used as rewards for great feet's so why did you pass those out so casually?" She replied with a cold and arrogant tone "what I do with my possessions is what I made them so to me those are just worthless trinkets I choose to throw away" suddenly she was smacked in the head and I saw the queen of this country and she said "honestly your more like your father everyday " to be honest when she looked at me with that cold look it sent a shiver down my spin it was like my first drill instructor.

The Queen then said "we never got a proper introduction I'm Siduri aid to the king of Uruk" Blake then asked "your not queen?" My mother replied "I'm the kings loyal servant to stand by his side on the throne is impossible ".  I actually thought she was the queen but she refuses the title and it's odd, Ozpin then said "the pleasure is ours Ms, Siduri " she smiled and said "and as for the payment we will pay for your goods, no problem " that was a surprise too. After that we all decided to split up, (Y/N) and my sisters team went to the shopping district, team JNPR went to try the local cuisine, to what I heard Team CVFY went shopping for clothes, Ozpin and Glynda went to by iron and similar resources for testing purposes, and lastly me, Harriet, Elm, And Penny went to explore the city. As we were exploring Harriet said "so what's your guys honest opinion on this place?" Elm replied "honestly I like how peaceful it is, everyone seemed well fed and happy " Penny then said "there architecture is primitive but amazing!" I then said "to be honest there king looked to be a kind harder man but he also showed arrogance and he thinks he's better then everyone else" Harriet then said "yet he's not a dictator, I guess he rules with a soft and Iron fist but what concerns me is there military " we stopped and watch a group of soldiers do spear drills and I said "there weaponry is exactly like Vacuos before the Great War but they seemed determine to protect there home".

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