Chapter 2

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                          (Y/N)'s POV

                                    I just killed the rest of those demonic beasts and I noticed there corpses turning to dust, I looked towards Ushiwaka and I said "Ushiwaka, how are the Mongels?" . Ushiwaka bowed and said " all of them are ok, mistress " I nodded and said "good" I heard someone walking and I noticed a man with a cane in an odd outfit, he has white hair and pale skin, he looks wise and I assume he's the leader of this group, he cleared his throat and said " hello Ms, my name is professor Ozpin of Beacon academy I thank you for your assistance " I nodded and replied "it's alright" I noticed a few weman but the one Cot my eye. She has pure white hair and fair skin the pure Embodiment of a goddess, I walked to her and I grabbed her hand and kissed it and I said "it's a pleasure to save such a goddess" her cheeks turned a bright red and the woman in red separated us and she said "hi I'm Ruby, this is Weiss, and over there is my sister Yang and her partner Blake" I looked to the other two and one had long Wild blond hair and the other had long black hair with a bow on top. The other ones was a Gorgeous blond woman, another goddess, a high energy girl, and Tiamat, I walked to her and said"hello again goddess Tiamat, what are you doing here?" She replied "I just woke up here and these people helped me" I nodded and I looked to the man and said "I thank you for helping Tiamat" he nodded and said "its just our job" I then heard people and I saw my Soldiers they stopped and the leader said "your majesty are you ok?" I replied "I'm fine" I looked to Ozpin and I said "do you mind coming with us?, I feel like the both of us has the answers we are looking for" he nodded and he said "I agree" I nodded and we started marching to the Rendezvous point.. We where all in the Wagons heading to the Rendezvous point all the while I'm talking to these strangers "so you where investigating the light too" Professor Ozpin and he said "yes, its strange so we came to investigate it, thow I must ask what you you doing here in a deadly Environment?" I replied "my father send out three units to investigate it, and we found some demonic beasts" everyone was confused and and the other goddess said "you mean the Grimm?" I nodded and I said "I don't believe I learned your name Mongrel?" The goddess then said "I'm Specialist Winter Scheme an Atles Elliot, and a highly Dedicated soldier and I'm not a Mongrel" I just shrugged it off and said "a mongrel is a mongrel" She looked made and the driver said "your Highness I see the others" I turned to look and I saw the other teams as well as there company.
                                    The wagon stopped we all got out and I heard Ruby say "guys!, your here too" A blond girl nodded and the one with brown hair said "ya, and we found an actual goddess" I then see Ishtar and I said "oh,the useless one" she then got in my face and shout "who are you calling useless!?!?!, your just like your stupid father!" I wacked her on the head and I saw Tiamat and Ereshkigal and they are with more people like the group I met. I then was Tackled and once I saw who it was I sighed, Enki was straddling my wast and she said "oh (Y/N)!, how I miss you!" I patted her head and I said "Mordred, get her off" she did just that, not smoothly but it worked. I got up and I look to where Ozpin is and he was talking with Winter and to people I assume are her subordinates, I then noticed everyone talking to each other and I got on top of a wagon and I said in my royal voice "alright men!, our mission is complete, we must head back to Uruk to inform the king!" all of my soldiers, servents, and alike Saluted and said at once "yes your majesty!" they all started getting ready and Ozpin's group was ready as well then the Rabbit girl asked "umm, where are we going?" I replied "to Uruk, my home, its not far from this location" Ozpin the the team leaders nodded and we started heading to Uruk. It was a days trip to Uruk and to say the ride was boring was quite the understatement, Ruby was showing me her weapon and explaining all its functions and its fascinating, I then said "so in its rifle form it can fire a bullet at a at large range and if you want to fight close Quarters you switch it into its scythe form, fascinating" Ruby was happy and she said "ya, I designed it my self too" I replied "really, you must be a talented weapon smith" the brown haired woman known as Coco then said "so what is this Uruk like?" I replied "its a fortress city" Winter chimed in and asked "what are its defenses like?" I replied "most of that is top secret but Uruk's soldiers are the finest we have" the red headed on that I learn is Pyrrha asked "who rules Uruk?" I replied with pride "the ruler of Uruk is the king of heros, king Gilgamesh, and my father" Ruby had sparkles in her eyes and said "your a real princess!!!!" I giggled and I rubbed her head and said "yes I am" I then felt an icey glare and I turned to the other wagon to see Enki glaring daggers a Ruby.
                                         On this journey I learned everyone name besides Ruby's team, the cute rabbit Velvet, the blind but skilled Fox, the huge giant Yatsuhashi, and there team leader Coco. The next team was team JNPR, there's the Spartan Pyrrha, the hyper Nora, the cool and beautiful Ren, and there adorable team leader Jeanne, there are also Winter's special Ops, the Mohawk one is Harriet, and the big one with the hammer is Elm. There quite interesting group of people, Mordred then said "we made it" I then looked to the the Demonic battle front, it is always a beautiful site to see and by the faces of the others they agree. I then said "this is the Absolute demonic battlefront, beyond this point is Uruk" we started to head to the gate and once we are there I shouted " the Exhibition team is back!, there where zero Casualties! " the gate opened and we headed in and what awaited me was general Leonidas and he said "your back, I'm glad to see everyone is back safe" I nodded and said "I'm returning your solders general, ill be heading to father now" he nodded and he went back to his duties. We then started heading to our journey back to Uruk until we reached the Gate, it was Busy as always and Jeanne asked "what's taking so long?" I replied " there just checking everyone " Ishtar then asked "I'm going on ahead" she then used her bow to leave us. I sighed and I said "three, two, one" a boom is heard in the distance and Glynda asked "what was that?" I replied annoyed "another hole in my roof thats what that is" Ereshkigal then said "I apologize for my sister" It took a full hour to get to the front of the line and the guard said " we need to check your caravan lady" he was rude probably a new recruit, I glared at the guard and I said "do you know who I am?" He just glared back and he said Rudely "huh!, listen lady!, I work for the king! And if you dont compile ill have to use force you bitch!" I opened a gate of Babylon and pulled out a sword and I pointed at his throat and the other guard rushed to him and he said "I'm so sorry, for his rudeness your Highness!" He made the other guard Bow and I said " make shure he keeps that mouth shut" and we went our way.
                                            We parked the Wagons with the army and we started heading there on foot, I told Mordred and Ushiwaka to stay behind and Ozpin told two teams to stay with them. Right now it was just me, Enki, Ozpin, Winter, Rwby, and the two Goddess that are heading to the Zigurrot, the new commers where at aw at Uruk and I heard Weiss said "I've expected something more advanced" Winter added "I agree, not just in there people but also in there Defenses, the walls are made out of mud" I replied "its what we pride ourselves in, its what Uruk is Built on, sheep and mud" they just look at me and Enki said "its our way of life" Ruby then asked a different question "(Y/N), how did you do that thing?" I looked to here and once my (E/C) eyes locked onto her sliver once I couldn't help but to answer "its a special magic that only me and my father have" her eyes became stary and I couldn't help but to blush at this. I then was wrapped in chains and I felt a Murderest aura and I turned to see Enki glaring at me and she said in an emotionless tone "you should only blush at me and not another girl" I gulped Loudly and luckily someone came to my rescue someone chopped her head and the chains disappeared and I looked to my savior and its my uncle Enkiedu. I then hugged my uncle and said "thank you so much uncle!" He patted my head and said "its no problem, now who are they?" He pointed to the new comers and I said "these people have information on what happened" Ozpin then went to Enkiedu and he extended his hand and he said "I'm Professor Ozpin I represent the Kingdom of Vail and the people of Menagerie " he shook hands and replied "its good to meet you, I'm Enkiedu, a royal retainer to king Gilgamesh, and father to this one" he then held up Enki by her clothes and Ozpin chuckled and I said "are you on your way to father" he nodded and I said "I should worn you, Ishtar is there " he then sighed in depression.
                                               We made it to the Zigurrot and everyone was amazed by it, Yang then said "Oh my Gods, this is where you live!?" I nodded and Blake added "it kinda looks like a Zigurrot" I replied "it is" Ruby then asked "what's a Zigurrot?" Ozpin answered "a Zigurrot Miss Rose is a temple to worship the gods in the old days" Weiss then asked "wait, since (Y/N)'s family lives here, then are they-" I interupted her and I said "my father is a demi-god, he's 1/3rd human and 2/3rds god" everyone's jaws where dropped to the floor and Ozpin was fare worse in this case. We entered my home heading to the throne room until I spotted a man with white hair, I then said" Merlin stop being a creep" he came out from behind a corner and he said "I was walking by, but I'm glad you returned" I nodded and I looked to everyone and I said "everyone this is Merlin out court Magician" he bowed and said "is nice to meet you all" Enki then asked "is the king Busy" he replied "when is he not" Ereshkigal then asked "how's my sister?" Merlin flinched and said "the Usual" she sighed and Yang said "your a goddess dont you guys out rank him?" Everyone who knew Gilgamesh just gave her a look that explained it all. We entered the throne room and I see my father looking at a stone tablet with my mother beside him, we then listened to what he was doing, a Soldier then said "that is all sir" father replied "keep me updated the more Frequent the Briefings the fresher the information and that could win a war" the soldier nodded and he said "yes Sir, we'll begin to ship you clay Tablets from the Secretary to you every hour" father replied "very well, what's next?" He was then handed a tablet and he read it for a few minutes and he said "hmm, so the shipments from the city of Erish are Delayed, send 20 men from the Eastern Berrics have them clear out the demonic beasts, Temun can take command he's a local he knows it well" he then turned to my mother and he said "I heard Taboto's daughter is giving birth, send a midwife help her deliver and some fruit to add her recovery" my mother bowed and said "yes, ill do as you command at once" father then added "oh, and pull Taboto off the northern wall tell him he has three days rest, his grandson's face will give him courage" someone then handed him a tablet and he asked "is this report from the Astrologers" Winter then said "he is vary Efficient" Ozpin agreed and Ruby said "I thought the king would be scary but I guess he's not a bad guy" I grabbed her hand and I said "we can't wait to get a chance like this so let's interving" I then started to drag her and I said "Father I have returned and I Brought guests" .
                                                Father looked at the group and he raised his hand and pointed it at Ruby and he said "come closer child" she nodded and went to the foot of the throne. Father then looked into her eyes like he was expecting something and he said "its as I thought, all of Uruk have moved" I nodded and I said "I had that same thought father, after talking with them" he then got up and pointed to Ozpin and he said " you mongrel, are you the leader of this group? " Ozpin replied "yes I am" my father went to him and said "it might be best we Discuss things in private" Ozpin looked at him like what then after staring into his eyes he gets it and nodes and the two men left and father said to me" my treasure, you can hang out with your new friends" I smiled and said "thank you father" I then was hugged by my mother and she said "I'm so glad my daughter has friends" I blushed in embarrassment and my mother said "I was so worried that my daughter will end up a loner like your father and only having one friend but here you are having more then one friend, I'm so proud!" Yang and Blake where trying not to laugh, Ruby had a look of pity and Weiss and Winter where unfazed by this Scene. I then pushed her away and I said "mother stop!" She only give  a giggle and said "I can't help it, its always bing you and Enki, and sometimes Ushiwaka, you never meet others until now" I open a gate and I stick my head inside and I screemed. After I did that I lead the group around my home and Yang said "your mom is really nice" I replied "ya she's always like that" Winter then asked the number one question "why did your father agree to talk to Ozpin before he asked too?" I answered "my father can see into the future to an Extent, he for saw there meeting and agreed to talk to him" she was somewhat amazed by this and then I heard little Roars and I turned to see my two little lion Cubs. I bent down to greet them and I said "Sapphire and Garnett!, mommy is home!" I then hugged my lions. I love my lions more then anything in this world, I then heard two squeals and I see Blake and Ruby rushed and picked up one of my two lions and just loving them to which they Enjoy.
                                               Ruby then said "you have pet lions!, I want one so bad!" I gave her a serious look and I said "I'm not giving up my lion mongrel" she then gave me the puppy dog eyes and I continued to say no. Weiss then went up to the lion that Blake is holding and started to pet it. I then went up to Winter and I then said " what's it like where your from?" She then replied " I live in the Kingdom of Atlas its the most advanced kingdom in Remnant, the main city is flouting in the air, its beautiful in the sunset" I smiled and said " I would like to  see it some time " I then look her up and down and I said " you know, you do look like a goddess " she then blushed and I added " I wouldn't mind having you warming my bed at night" her face became an even darker shade of red and I then slapped her but and I said " well ill let you think about it" I then told everyone " now lets head to the throne room, Father and Ozpin should be done" Yang then replied " what ever you say cutie " I replied " shure thing hot stuff" and then I was tied up by chains and dragged to the throne room.

                         Ozpin's POV

                                      I went to talk to the king of Uruk and your probably wondering why and thats simple, his eyes were full of magic and I want to know more about this. We entered a secure room and he then asked "are you an Immortal?" I felt like I couldn't lie to him so I replied "yes, I am, in a way but I heard you are 2/3rds god, by your eyes I can see thats true" he hummed for a minute and said "why dont you tell me your story and some knowledge of this world". I then told him my story and about Remnant and about her, he was interested and even thoe I can tell just by the look of him he's Arrogant but not to the point that it hurts his people. He was deep in thought and said" I see, so the public doesn't know, that gives both sides the advantage but this Salem is a huge threat to everyone even mine" I nodded and I said "I believe this Alliance will benefit both of us" he nodded and I added "Ironwood will handle the public part of this Alice but I want to know what you want". He smiled and said" you are a wise one, besides your technology and helping the fanus of this land, I want my daughter to learn of the world like I did" I smiled and I said "I couldn't agree more".

                                 (Y/N)'S POV

                                            We all gathered in the throne room with me still tied up and uncle Enkiedu just sighing by the actions of his daughter. My father return with Ozpin he then declared an order to me and Enki " I king Gilgamesh order you two to venture out into this new world as ambassadors of the Kingdom of Uruk, show the mongrels of this world that my Kingdom has Emerged " Enki let me go and we both bow and I said "as you wish my king" I couldn't believe it, this is going to be interesting.

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