Chapter 6: Entity 303

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In male Jesse's universe;

Jesse's POV:

Everything was pitch black. I couldn't see or say anything, but yet I was awake. I knew that I was carried somewhere and was laying on something squishy but I couldn't move a single finger. I could hear muffled voices as if I was underwater but a whisper, a single whisper from all the sea of muffled chaos reached my ears, "Hello Jesse". Unlike other noises, the whisper was clear. I felt cold and chills ran down my spine. My fingers started to feel numb and I was found myself in a paralyzed situation. 

"You are going to come with me like a good boy. And once I take you to him, [chuckles evilly] we will have a lot of fun!" The whisper said. I was well aware that to whomever this whisper belonged to, their intentions wasn't good. 

I tried to open my eyes and turn my head but nothing worked. "

Aww, does the little leader need help~" The whisper mocked and gave a loud hollow chuckle. 

Suddenly Images flashed in my mind, the same ones I saw before passing out; . Fire, Chaos, screams, two children playing in a lawn and more screaming. The images kept replaying, again and again, like a broken tape recorder. 

I struggled to clutch something for comfort, but my hands seemed to be frozen in place. I tried to scream but nothing seemed to work or make the images go away. Suddenly, I felt pressure on my left cheek for merely a second,  followed by a painful sting which woke me from my unconscious slumber. 

I found myself on a soft bed, Radar and Lukas sat to my right and Petra was sitting to my left. Her hand was raised and all of the three's eyes were wide as saucers. The sting subside as I reached out a hand to touch my cheek where Petra had just slapped. 

"Jesse!" The three exclaimed at the same time. 

"Did you - did you just slapped me?"  Was all I could say, turning towards Petra. 

Pink dusted her freckled face at my question. Embarrassed, she squeaked "I couldn't think of anything else, Sorry."  Mighty Petra flustered? Now that was a sight to be seen. I would have taken this opportunity to tease her if it weren't for the seriousness of the situation. 

"What matters right now is that you are awake," Lukas interjected. "What happened back there?" 

"Yeah, you were like swaying and clutching your head then - you passed out." Petra explained, imitating everything that happened using exaggerated actions. An amused smile etched on my face at her silliness.

 "I-I had a very bad headache and.... everything just went black!" I replied. 

"Just a headache? Jesse you were screaming in pain while you were unconscious!" Petra said in a mild frustrated tone. 


"Yes, you were screaming. I thought you were dying or something." Radar squeaked.

"I-I don't know what happened. I don't remember a thing!" I lied. I wasn't sure how I would explain the situation to them especially if I myself didn't knew what was going on. 

Lukas and Petra eyed me suspiciously before letting it slide, while Radar was too worried to suspect me of anything. 

"Thank god you are ok Jesse, for a second back there...... I thought that something very bad was going to happen." Lukas said in a relieved tone then chuckled softly. I nervously chuckled along with him. I know that I shouldn't lie to my friends but to be honest It has been quite a long time since we have been together like this and I don't want to ruin it. 

MCSM season 3: The beginning of the huntNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ