Chapter 4: welcome back to beacon town

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There it is, the cell, right in front of me. I stretch my bloody hand towards the the barred iron gate, letting her name weakly fall off my tongue. I want her to hear me, I want her to see me before the guards get here. Please. If only I had enough strength to- clang!


In male Jesse's universe;

Jesse's POV:

I entered through a familiar set of red gates, instantly drawing everyone's attention towards me and my unconscious red head friend I was carrying. 

"It's Jesse and Petra!" I heard someone shout.

"Jesse is back! Our hero is back!" someone else exclaim.

"Who is he carrying?"

"Is that Petra the warrior?"

"What happened to our heroes?"

Mummers filled the air as people started to crowd around the us. I could feel them staring at me, it made me feel uncomfortable. I had been in such situations before, but this time it was different. I had a feeling that someone apart from this curious crowd was watching me, someone with malicious intent.

"Jesse! Petra!" I heard a voice call from behind.

Turning around I saw Lukas speed walking towards me, Radar following not far behind. I could feel my thudding heart calm down at the sight of my former intern and blond friend. With them around, nothing could hurt me. 

"Welcome ba—woah, is Petra alright?" He asked, his blue eyes wide with worry.

"She passed out after her hands glitched out of existence!" I blurted out.

"Her hands what?" Lukas shrieked.

"Jesse!" Radar shouted as he made his way through the crowd but stopped with wide eyes as well when he saw unconscious Petra. "is—is she alright? What happened?"

I opened my mouth to explain but stopped when I saw the crowd looking at me anxiously. "Let's go inside and talk. Also call a doctor." I said to which Lukas and Radar nodded.

"She is alright, just unconscious." said the doctor as he adjusted his stethoscope around his neck. "She should be alright in an hour or two."

I thanked the doctor and lead him out of the door.

MCSM season 3: The beginning of the huntWhere stories live. Discover now