Chapter 5: Greetings from Herobrine

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Female Jessie's universe;


I helplessly watch them drag his unconscious body away. I have never felt this helpless in my whole life.


Female Jessie's universe;

Jessie's POV:

It was pitch black. I couldn't feel my hands or legs. It was as if I was an invisible person. I slowly opened eyes only to find myself staring at a dark oak roof. I could feel the blood run through my arms once again as I propped myself on my elbows.

I was in my room, the curtains were drawn open letting in the early morning sunlight. Three oak chairs were placed on either side of my bed. On one if the chairs at my right sat Lukas, sleeping with his one hand dangling down the armrest of the chair, and his other hand rested on top of a worn out book on his lap. A sigh escaped my chapped lips as I flopped my head back on the soft Pillows, my ears were still ringing with the screams from the vision I had last night.

Those visions, Oh those traumatizing visions. What were those about? Why are these new problems arising one after another? Endless thoughts rushed through my mind but no one could answer them.

My alarm went off, it's shrill ring echoing through the small room. Lukas woke with a jolt, the big old book falling off his lap. I quickly turned off the alarm while Lukas was still trying to figure out what was happening.

"Good morning" I said with a smile. Lukas' sleepy blue eyes widen at my response and his mouth opened slightly in surprise.

"Jessie! You are awake." As soon as Lukas said those words, loud thumps of footsteps raced towards my room. Soon, two faces were peaking through the doorway; a pale, freckled faced girl with a blue bandana and a dark skinned girl with a yellow beanie.

"Jessie!" exclaimed Olivia and Petra in unity as the two rushed towards me at full speed. I felt myself being engulfed in a bone crushing hug by my two friends. Their arms were wrapped so tightly around my body that even the world's strongest force wouldn't be able to pull us apart. 

"You literally gave me a heart attack Jessie." Petra said as she and Olivia let go of me. "Please don't do that again."

I nodded then turned towards Olivia, "Olivia! It's been so long, how are you? "

"Jessie, I should be asking this question to you. How are you feeling?" Olivia replied.

"I am feeling good, better than last night." 

"Your mother will be so happy to see you awake." Petra said with joy.

"My mom? But isn't she coming next week?" Considering my friends' reactions,  I was sure that confusion was evident on my face as well as in my tone.

"Jessie, this IS the 'next week'." Olivia said, tenderly placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Ho-How long was I asleep?"

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