Until Tomorrow Exists..

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Adrena's POV: 

"I'm in love with you Adrena, and to be honest, I've never told anyone that before. It scares me." Wesley whispered to me, as I laid in his arms within the aftermath of us creating something the other has never experienced before, love.

 "I'm so afraid to lose you Wes, I feel like I've lost so much in my life already. I can't lose you too." I whispered, as I held on to him tighter. 

"This is the only way I can know for sure, that you will never leave me." I said, as I laid on his chest. 

The next day during school, I couldn't help but smile hard, as I carried myself down the hallways. The memories of last night were playing on a loop in my mind. 

And I couldn't help but feel on top of the world. 

"Oh... you've got that face" Rachel says, as she interrupts my thoughts and starts walking alongside me.

"What?" I asked, not even sure if I wanted to know the answer, coming from her. 

 "The face that says "I just had sex last night" you know, that face." Rachel said, as she gives me a sly smile. First of all, how did she even know that? and second of all- 

"You're not special..you know that right? everything he's doing with you, he's done with me a thousand times. If anything you're just getting my sloppy seconds. You know, all the pity sex and left overs." she said, like it was so obvious. 

"Rachel, can you shut up" I said, as I tried to walk away faster, but she caught up with me. 

"No..I get it Adrena, it's not your fault.. you're so insecure, basic, and worthless. I understand, it just comes naturally." Rachel said, with a smile on her face, as I glared at her. Watching her leave me down the hallway. My heart sort of breaks, as Rachel's words sink even deeper,  I soon started to believe what she was saying. 

Perhaps last night only meant a lot more to me, then it did Wesley.  

The most intimate moment I had with someone, was only intimate to me.

 I headed to class, placing my headphones back on, as I slumped into my seat. 

After school, Wesley came over to study with me, I was doodling though as he was looking over his history paper. We sat together on the floor, as I rested my legs on top of his, while he caressed them from now and then. I felt him staring at me, as Rachel's words consumed my thoughts once again. The tip of my pencil broke, as I realized I was pressing too hard. 

"Hey.. you okay?" Wesley asked, as he placed his hand on my thigh.

 I sighed, rubbing my forehead. 

"I just can't get Rachel's words out of my head. Especially the thought of you two doing what we did last night. It just-" I start, but he sets his homework down and pulls me close. 

"Adrena, I told you, I'm not that guy anymore" he said, as I looked into his soft eyes. 

"It was always meaningless sex with Rachel cause I was trying to keep my mind off my dad. And she understood that. Nothing more than that. I never had feelings for her like I do for you and I promise you I never will." he said, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

"She just said something today in the hallway, and it really got to me. It just made me feel like.. maybe last night... was only special to me. Not you." I said, as he gave me a look like I was crazy. 

"Are you serious right now Adrena? last night will be engraved into my memory for the rest of my existence. Cause for the first time in my life, sex was an expression of love, not just pleasure. Do you hear me Adrena? I made love to you last night. Something I've never done with Rachel." Wesley said, as I smiled, feeling my cheeks flush. 

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