The Side Effects

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Adrena's POV:

I was on my way out of art class, as Cleo Cassidy walked over to me. It was strange, cause when she was walking over to me, I thought maybe I was dreaming. Cause there's no way she knew who I was. And my eyes were traveling all over her physical appearance, her red auburn hair, the freckles across her nose, the emerald green eyes, and her pale white skin. She was like a walking strawberry short cake, so beautiful. My eyes then trailed to her hand, as she was handing me a piece of paper. 

It looked like a flyer of some sort, "you're invited" she says, in a tone so sweetly I wanted to listen to her voice on a loop. Did she have this effect on everyone? "invited?" I asked, as I was confused. 

"Yeah, everyone's invited. I'm throwing a party for Margo, in support for her. Since it would've been her birthday. Today.." Cleo said, as she walked with me down the hall. 

Some people were staring and others were whispering, but as I looked over at Cleo, I could see she was use to this behavior. 

I looked down the hall to see Margo's locker, feeling an ounce of pity and remorse flood through me as I looked over at Cleo who was waiting for an answer. 

"Sure, I'll be there, I never knew Margo, but I wanna be there in support." I said, as she smiled, and then started hopping up and down.

 "Great, the details are on the flyer, can't wait to see you there!" she said, giving me a quick hug before leaving down the hall, and catching up with Blair and Emelie. 

I opened my locker, as Wesley approached me in the hallway, the flyer was still in my hand, as I saw him eye it over my shoulder. 

"Are you really going to that?" he asked, as I nodded, putting the flyer in my locker and grabbing a few books for class. I looked down the hall to see Rachel and Zayn, arguing, before she looks over at me, and glares, leaving down the hall as Zayn follows her. 

"Why do you want to go? you don't even know Margo" Wesley asked, as I was aware. 

"Everyone's going in support of Margo, whether they knew her or not. Plus free food and free drinks. I just don't want my only high school party experience to be where I threw up on Rachel." I said, as he chuckled, before wincing. 

Clutching his forehead, as I looked over at him concerned, "hey, you okay?" I asked, as he nodded slowly, rubbing his forehead. 

"Yeah.. I've just been getting these headaches lately. But it's nothing. Maybe I'm just not getting enough sleep." he said, as I wasn't so sure. But I could see he saw the worry on my face, as he closed my locker and put an arm around me. 

"I'm fine, don't worry" he said, as I took a breath, while we walked down another hall. 

I was rummaging through the closet the night of Margo's party, "what exactly do I wear to this kind of thing? is it a funeral? is it not? okay yeah it's a party... but it's a party for a dead girl. I don't know what to do." I said, as I pulled out dresses and shirts from the closet. 

Wesley was too busy laughing, "just put something on that you feel comfortable in, but that's also socially casual." he said, as I nodded. 

"Comfortable but socially casual" I repeated as I looked again. 

"You still never told me what you said to your mom that night." I said, as he waited in the other room. 

"Don't worry about it" he said, as I sighed. 

"I just worried about you Wes.. that's all. And about your relationship with your mother." I said, as I could hear him sit up on the bed. 

"Why does my relationship with my mother, mean so much to you Adrena?" he asked, as I could hear the annoyance in voice. 

Written In The StarsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang