The Naked Truth

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Wesley's POV:

I can't hear my thoughts with his stupid heart beat on the monitor. His heart beat on that monitor is another reminder he'll never see my brothers and i grow up. Another reminder that he'll never see my mother's face again. Another reminder that i'll never get to see his eyes, his smile, hear his voice, spend a moment in his presence and actually feel him present. I was pacing the hospital room with my dad, lying in the same coma he's been in, for six months now. 

My mother's holding his hand, and contemplating a decision that could change the rest of our lives for the worst, in my opinion. Ryker and Colton are sulking next to my mother. Colton's hand's is placed firmly on her shoulder for support, as my mother just stares at my father. Determined, but prepared. Which scared the shit of of me. How could someone be prepared to pull the plug on their own husband, on my own father? how can you even think about something like this?

 "Wesley, please stop pacing" my mother says, as i fold my arms and stare at her. 

"I can't believe you're actually thinking about this right now" i said, "Wes it's been six months" Ryker added, like that made a difference. 

"So what!" i said, not caring if i was in denial.

 "It's been six months of no brain activity." my mother clarified, as i sighed.

 "You can't do it mom, you can't just give up on him!" i said, as she looked at me.

 "Is that what you think i'm doing? giving up on the father of my boys? on my husband?" she said, as i rolled my eyes. 

"It sure looks like it" i said, as my tone was bitter. 

"Wesley, this isn't your father anymore. He's gone, we're not putting him out of his misery. We're putting ourselves out of our misery, for letting our hopelessness go on for much longer. We have to accept the fact that he's not waking up. We have to let him go." she said, as i shook my head. 

"No, no! you're wrong, i don't care if he's brain dead, he's still my father. He's all I have left of him, and i, unlike you, can't just give up on him too." i said, losing my temper, as i stormed out of the hospital room. I can't even stand to hear my mother's voice, or look at my father's expressionless face, one more time. I was angry, but not angry enough to fight my tears, as i pounded my fists into the hospital hallway doors, leading to the waiting room. "Wesley!" Colton said, as i ignored him, before i felt Ryker pulling my arm. "Mom needs us man, if you can't accept the decision to pull the plug, do it for mom" Ryker said, as i snatched my arm away from his grip. 

"I can't do that" i said, walking away, as Colton tried to come after me. 

"I just need to be alone right now" i said, walking out of the exit doors, as i wiped my tears, heading into the woods next to the hospital, as i continued walking. 

I needed to think about something else, to clear my head. It didn't matter where i was going, i just allowed my feet to take me. The hospital was soon for out of reach, as i found myself walking alongside train tracks. The moment i looked up, i saw a girl. Standing on the tracks, as a train was in the distance, heading straight towards her. 

I think i've seen this girl before, she's in my math class, but i can't remember her name. From the looks of it, she's knowingly aware of the train in front of her. Just a few feet away at this point. But what was strange about the girl was that, she was staring at the sky. I followed her gaze, wondering what was so captivating than her death. But i wasn't sure.

 "HEY! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?!" i hollered, but she ignored me, and the train was getting closer. 

Not even for once was she budging, or even shaking with fear. Did she want this? but why? i didn't have time to think of an answer, the train was even closer, so i just ran. Lunging my body towards hers, pushing her out of the way, as we both crashed to the ground on the opposite side of the tracks. The train zoomed past, as my heart was pounding. I placed my arms above her, to hoist myself off of her, but when i looked at her face, while she laid underneath me, i was stunned. 

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