
It was another two weeks of balancing before Azriel allowed her to learn punches. Thankfully, he had brought out a cushioned mannequin for her to train on, rather than himself. In that time, she had begun learning how to lift weights and do cardio workouts. Each day, her limbs felt like jelly when she'd make it to the bath or her bedroom. Many days, she was too exhausted to bathe before dinner would be sent to her room. Aurora was grateful those days, to eat in solitude.  Cassian had been joining Azriel for dinner more often and she didn't enjoy supper around him. He still frightened her, even though she knew he'd never hurt her.

Especially after what he had said those two weeks ago about Azriel babysitting her. She felt like a nuisance. In those two weeks, Aurora didn't hear word from Mor or Feyre, not even the High Lord. Azriel gave her no indication about her brother's whereabouts, about their plans. He hardly spoke to her outside of instructing her.

Training had been over for an hour, Aurora had bathed and changed into Night Court attire, a set of deep green silken pants and a matching short-sleeved top. She kept her hair in the braid she had done when it was wet, and it fell down her back, leaving a wet line along her shirt. Aurora had begun to grow used to her midriff showing in these clothes after so long of wearing it.

Supper was served at the table tonight, and she trudged into the dining room. Azriel was in his all black attire, wings strongly stood behind him as he sat at the table. Azriel's shadows seemed to cloud his shoulders and hair as his eyes stayed down on his plate. His roasted turkey and potato dinner was untouched as she approached. Her eyes fell to the third plate.

"Is Cassian joining supper tonight?" She asked quietly as she sat. Azriel's hazel eyes jumped from the plate to her.

"Actually, Rhysand will be joining us." Aurora's brows climbed her forehead. She wasn't aware that Rhys's name was Rhysand, she hadn't heard him mentioned as such yet.

"Does he have news about my brother?"

Aurora didn't get an answer before footsteps sounded. She turned her head and nearly cowered in the presence of the High Lord. She still had not grown use to the power that seemed to choke her whenever Rhysand or Feyre were around.

"Good evening, Azriel, Aurora," he spoke in a kind voice, sitting across from Aurora. She forced a greeting smile to her lips and a dip of her head.

"Rhys, tell me what you've learned." Azriel didn't greet his High Lord, his scarred hands rested on the tables in fists. Aurora studied him a moment.

"Aldric is the general of the Winter Court armies. Oberon was killed in the war with Hybern. Word has spread of his missing sister and he is now searching for Aurora. He has already visited the Autumn Court and the Summer Court. His next trip is to the Dawn Court in three days."

Aurora's breath was stuck in her chest, stomach twisting and hands trembling as they desperately grabbed onto the fabric of her pants. Azriel had a dead stare at the High Lord, jaw clicking as he clenched it.

"Can we kill him?"

Rhys just stared at Azriel, and then glanced at Aurora. "No. It will inflict a battle with the Winter Court that we cannot afford. We need to figure out why he's searching for Aurora if he had left her to rot," the High Lord spoke in a cool tone.

"So let me fucking go watch him. Let me go see why he's looking for her," Azriel snapped, standing from his seat. The way the seat scratched against the floor as it flew back and his shadows seemed to overcome him made Aurora flinch. Her eyes were pricked with scared tears, breathing labored. She noticed the way the High Lord's nostrils flared and muscle flickered in his jaw as he stood, slamming his fist on the table. Night and darkness seemed to flare out from his body.

"Damn it, Azriel. We will have this conversation in my office at the estate. Now." He was gone. Smothered in wind and darkness, the High Lord winnowed away. Azriel chest rose with a breath of rage as he let his hand fall slack and turned to Aurora.

"I'm sorry I frightened you. Please, enjoy your supper and do not worry, no one will touch you in this city or this House. I will be back," he muttered before he joined Rhysand at his estate. Aurora just sat staring at the spot he once stood.

Aldric was searching for her. After five centuries, her terror of a half-brother was tearing the Courts apart to collect her. Her chest wouldn't move, wouldn't take in air. Her cheeks felt wet and it was the only indication that tears fell. Aurora stood, gasping in the air that seemed to hide from her lungs. The room was spinning, was she spinning? The darkness was coming in, creeping and she couldn't get away fast enough.

Aurora felt like she was running, but couldn't tell. She was on a dead line to her room, where every corner was full of light. She needed light. Her knees buckled as she pushed through the door, legs and elbows slamming into the ground as she cried out. Not a thought was clear, tears blurred her vision. It was a damned panic attack. Aurora clawed at the ground when her head laid onto it, wood splinters digging underneath her nails.

"Hey! Hey! What's going on?"

A male voice had her cowering, bringing her body into a ball that she was so used to. As soon as a large hand was on her back, Aurora erupted. Light blinded her, heat coursing through her body as she whirled around and tried to shove the male away.

"What the fuck? Stop! Aurora, stop!" He shouted, the voice growing clearer. Aurora sucked in a breath, blinking away the tears. Her legs scrambled to the bed, her back pressed into the frame. Cassian was backed up against the wall, flames climbing the wood floor in front of him. His wide eyes fell from her face to the floor and he frantically stomped at the fire until it was smothered. Aurora's chest rose and fell rapidly, hand still outstretched towards him.

"You can manipulate fire?" He gasped out, hand lifting to rub the spot on his arm that had been licked by flame. Aurora didn't answer. Her blurry eyes stayed on him, hand falling to her lap. Cassian shook his head, blinking at her.

"Where's Rhysand? He told me he was coming here to speak with you and Azriel and then told me to get to him as soon as I could. Where are they?"

Aurora swallowed, blinking rapidly. "The estate," she whispered. Cassian gave her a curt nod, glancing at the burnt floor before he ducked between the doorway. Aurora's gaze shifted to the large window where she saw massive wings carrying Cassian into the sky. She looked back at the burnt floor, and then to the hundreds of candles that surrounded her.

Fire manipulation? That's specific to the Autumn Court. She is a member of the Winter Court, as much of a member as she could be. Could it be a gift from her true father? The panic started to rise again as she slouched into the bed frame.

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