"This isn't a date, got it?"

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"Over my shoulder, eyes peeking in. Analyze my every move, what current state I'm in."

BEN Drowned

The sound of screaming pierced your ears as you jumped back feeling a bit scared your self. As soon as you recognized that the flailing skeleton hanging from the ceiling wasn't real you sighed. You and a couple of your friends decided to go to a haunted house that was supposed to be the scariest one of the centuries. You personally didn't believe that, gauging from the science room skeletons and people covered in white bed sheets pretending to be ghosts. Your friends, however, acted like this was the most terrifying house they've ever witnessed and kept screaming at the littlest thing. The only reason you really stuck with them was to make sure that you guys were able to find the exit. Maybe hanging out with ghosts that bleed from the eyes has made you a bit desensitized to walking corpses and killer clowns.

"Okay, fuck this. I'm not staying here for another minute." In the dim light, you could see one of your friends grab another and start running off into further darkness. You could still hear their shrieks of terror as dressed-up employees continued to grab at them through their sprint.

"Well, I guess it's just you and-" You started to say until you turned and saw that your only other friend left you in the middle of the blood-covered room. You sighed and looked up towards the ceiling.

This is why I didn't want to go outside.

Your friends, while not entirely bad people, didn't have many qualms about ditching you regularly and then apologizing later. Without them, you wouldn't have too many people to hang out with but at what cost? A vicious cycle, truly. While you definitely enjoyed your time with BEN, he was busy a lot. Spending time in his other dimension and doing God knows what. Most likely fighting with Dark Link. You wish you could spend more time with him as you two have grown to be really good friends and your thoughts always seem to go back to him even when you're trying to pay attention. You weren't sure if he thought you were that close but you could only hope he did.

You stuff your hands in your pockets and continue down the path you and your friends were originally supposed to take. You tried to avoid the grabby hands and the random ghosts that popped up every now and then. As you reach the end of the path, you come across a room that has a flickering lamp on the ceiling that swings back and forth. Each time the light comes back on, a dark, eerie figure shows up in different parts of the room. Something told you that it wasn't just a trick of the light. You removed your hands from your pockets and instead kept them out, on guard.

You slowly walked forward, trying to ignore the goosebumps that formed due to more than just a decrease in temperature. You tried to remind yourself that this was still just a fake haunted house that had blood that smelled remarkably like ketchup. A hot breath on the back of your neck made you freeze. Seconds passed as you had a battle in your head, deciding whether or not to turn around. A laugh came from behind you that seemed to resonate throughout the room and a hand clasped your arm.

"Ready to die?" A dark voice asked you and as you were about to respond, a glitchy laugh followed soon after. Feeling any fear you felt flow out of you, you turned around and glared at the hysterical ghost.

"Not. Funny." You deadpanned but he continued laughing at your expense. Before you whacked him in the head, he held out a hand.

"Oh, come on. This is a haunted house, you know. You're supposed to be getting scared." BEN grinned at you as you crossed your arms over your chest, still a little miffed.

"I'm not looking for too many scares after what happened last week." You recalled the encounter you had with that strange creature that was able to summon all of those papers out of nowhere. You still didn't know exactly what it was and BEN was reluctant to explain it to you. That experience made you hesitant to go to the haunted house but you figured it would be full of stupid tricks, which it was up until now. BEN's eyes widened as those words seemed to sober him up.

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