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Prototype, on the inside I'm always a freaky monster

BEN Drowned

Soon enough, you had grown an abnormal fear of water. You didn't want to look at "beautiful oceans", you said no to pool parties, and you could barely drink it. Of course, you had to in order to survive. You always took small sips at a time and always drank in front of someone.

Eventually, one of your family members noticed this and forced you into therapy. You fiercely disagreed with this but they threatened to take away all of your devices.

So here you were, sitting in a less than comfortable chair with a therapist in front of you; taking notes. You groaned and laid your head back on the chair. You really didn't want to be here.

"So what event happened in order for you to receive aquaphobia?" She asked politely.

"I almost drowned." You replied.

"What do you mean, "almost"?" She inquired as she wrote on her clipboard.

"I got rescued." You said, getting impatient. What was even the point of this?

"Rescued, hm? By who?" She looked at you with boredom in her eyes. You simply shrugged. You couldn't exactly tell her, "Oh! Well, I got rescued by this guy who looked like he belonged on top of a tree singing 'Kumbaya'. Also, he magically electrocuted these two bitches! Yes, I know I sound insane... but it's true!"

You closed your eyes and sighed. She once again asked you who rescued you.

"A ghost." You said with a small smirk. She wrote something down while widening her eyes but only for a second.

"How-" She was cut off by her own cough. The therapist walked off, telling you that she was going to get some water. You rolled your eyes and slumped down lower in the seat.

"How'd you know I was a ghost?" A voice asked and you jumped up. It was the same guy as before except there wasn't as much blood coming from his eyes this time.

"Well, I didn't know what else to say..." You looked away and rested your head on your hand.

"Can't blame you for being afraid of the water but guess what happened to me?" He laughed with a Cheshire grin. You looked up at him. You were honestly curious as to why he had saved you.

"When I drowned, I died!" He started laughing maniacally and he pounded his fist on the chair you were sitting on.

"I'm sorry...I didn't know you had-"

"I guess that's why they call me BEN Drowned. That's like calling Toby, Tourette Toby. But, whatever, not my problem." He put his hands up in a surrender pose and you snickered. He was deadly but still had an immature side to him.

"Who's that?" You asked.

"A pyromaniac freak." He irritably said.

"Regardless, I'm still gonna be afraid of it." You whispered. You hated how pathetic you sounded. You survived so why were you so damn afraid?

"Lemme tell you, it is hard drowning, its cold...and dark. It's not nice. But you lived. That's even harder. I died and it was easy. Just 'poof' dead. But you're still here. 'Sides, it's not too bad to have a near death experience. It's pretty exhilarating." He said with a smile.

"You've had a near death experience?" You asked.

"Yeah," he scoffed, " I did things before I died. Once, I climbed all the way to the top of a tree. It was at least 50 feet tall. One of the branches broke and I think my ribs punctured my lungs or something. Anyways, I flatlined a few times before I 'miraculously' survived just for me to die again a few years later."

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