"I hope you're not displeased with me."

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"And so I run to the things they said could restore me."

BEN Drowned

After a few more therapy sessions, your family member(s) deemed it fine to make you go to a pool party. You had told them you didn't want to go there but they insisted that it would be good for you to go.

As long as you don't go into the pool, you'll be fine! Go talk to people and have some fun!

You argued with them for a while until they said that if you didn't go, you would be forced to take more therapy sessions than you already did. You were still very uneasy about the idea of going to a pool, but you just figured that as long as you brought a book, you would be fine.

You couldn't understand why you had to go. Sure, it was one of your friend's birthdays but you hadn't even spoken with her for months. You weren't even sure she remembered you until you found the invitation in your mailbox. You thought she would have simply sent the information through texts but maybe she forgot your number.

You got a ride to her house and walked to the backyard; which was where the large pool was located that her parents had bought her. You pulled down your (F/C) T-shirt as you saw people splashing each other and having races in the pool. You did put your swimsuit on, but you also on shorts and a shirt so you would feel more comfortable. The birthday girl was also in the pool and talking to some other people. You also managed to spot Calla and Weavaz lolling in pool inflatables. Even from where you stood, you could see the burn marks on their skin from the electricity.

You wondered what they had even told people and why they were blatantly showing them off. You hadn't heard anything yourself since you didn't go outside much except for the store or the park. There were only a couple of people out of the pool and that was either because they were parents, or they were eating some of the food that was put out for the guests.

You viewed the water again and swallowed back any feelings of anxiousness. You ambled over to a lounge chair and opened up your book. Once you relaxed on the seat, you checked your phone to see that it was twelve past one, only one hour and forty-eight minutes until your family member(s) would let you leave. Soon, you heard some rowdy boys come near where you were sitting and started playfully pushing each other.

"I bet you can't make a big splash like I will!"

"Obviously, I can't. You'll make all of the water jump out."

The offended boy shoved the other one into the pool and jumped in after him. The splash reached your feet and you instantly felt the liquid pierce your skin. You jumped up and started to experience the fear running through your veins for a second time.

It's alright. It's just a few specs of water. Nothing to get alarmed about.

You breathed in through your nose and out through your mouth as you slowly let your heart rate get back to normal. It wasn't helping that the birthday girl was swimming her way toward you and pulled herself up out of the pool. You grabbed the towel that you brought and put the present that you had gotten for her to the side.

"Hey, (Y/N)! What are you doing outside the pool?" She asked as you wiped your feet free of the water. You saw her dripping form and shuddered slightly.

"Oh, you know. I'm just not in the mood to go swimming. I got an ear infection last time and I don't want to get it again." You nodded with a forged smile.

"Really? I heard from Weavaz and Calla that-"

"Shay! Get over here!" A girl called from the food table. She chuckled and told you that she'd be right back. You were relieved that she was gone and didn't have the trepidation that the water that drizzled down her would get on you. You felt someone's eyes burning a hole through you and looked towards the pool.

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