Chapter 32: putting the pieces together

Start from the beginning

"Where is your human stud?" Katie joked.

"He's sleeping in with Krystal. What's it to ya?" Nika asks.

"Just want to see how he's doing. Since we care about him too." Samantha says.

"Well he taken. By us." Loona says.

"Oh come on. You can share him with us again. Besides he did me a favor." Samantha says.

"You already had your fun with him. But now he's officially our lover now. So please leave" Dasha says.

"Fine. But he did enjoy me when I had him." Katie smirks as she and her friends left the table."

"God they annoy me." Loona says.

"You are not the only one." Nika says.

"Cut them some slack. Stan did make them change their ways. After he defended for Samantha against..." Dasha says before she got interrupted.

"Don't. I don't want to hear those assholes names that violated me." Loona snaps.

"Ok, ok. Sorry." Dasha says as she pays her on the back.

"Well girls, what should we do besides the gym?" Dasha says.

"Well, I do want to take Stan to go see the city today but Natalya says he isn't ready yet." Loona says with disappointment.

"He needs time first. We don't want his PTSD to go off and cause trouble." Dasha warns.

"He's been in this base for months, he needs to see the real life sometime." Loona suggested.

"He will, after this war is over. And my mom is thinking of taking him to a mental care hospital for a least two weeks. It's in the this brochure she gave me." Dasha says as she gave it to Loona.

"He doesn't need this, he's doing fine right now actually." Loona says.

"Loona, Krystal has been telling me about how his mentality was going. She said something deep inside him is hurting him mentally. It's the trauma he has in his life and she said that he has been suicidal a few times while we aren't knowing. Loona, if we have to take him there, it will help him be cured from his PTSD." Dasha says.

"Dasha, he needs us and our attention. Not this." Loona says.

"Loona, I have to be with Dasha on this one, because there was a time that I saw him trying to end his life in his bedroom." Nika says.

"What do you mean?" Loona says.

"Well, after we had fun at the gym last week, something was bothering him, and he won't tell me why and he said he needed to be alone. When I went to check on him later, he had his pistol on his lap while he was sitting on the bed and it scared the hell out of me. I had to be quick and took the gun away from him and restrain him till he calms down. He promised he won't do it again if I we keep it between us. This is for his sake." Nika explains.

"Still, as long as we stay close to him, he will be fine." Loona says.

"Loona, Krystal and us think that it's best that we do this for him. You want him to end his life or him going off randomly at others and nearly killing someone that was innocent or passing by?" Dasha asked.

"No, but it will be lonely for him." Loona says.

"He won't because, my mom will visit him everyday to check on him. And we will do the same." Dasha says.

"Well..... ok." Loona sighs with disappointment.

"Remember, we are doing this because we love him. Ok?" Nika asked as she pats Loona on the back.

"Alright..." Loona quietly says.

"We just need to keep this a secret." Dasha says.

"Alright. Loona, he is only going to be there for two weeks afterwards." Nika says.

"Fine, fine. Let's just head back." Loona says as they headed back to the dorms.

    Later, Krystal got out of bed and let me sleep in after I took some medicine that keeps me mentally stable and drowsy as a side effect. She felt pure sympathy as she looked deeper into my mind. She heard the other girls coming back and went to see them.

"How's little man?" Nika asks.

"He's asleep. I gave him the medication that is required for him to take but one of them made him drowsy though." Krystal explains.

"It must be the new medicine that Dr.Kimberly prescribed to him." Dasha says.

"So, I heard you guys decided about the mental institution for Stan to go to." Krystal says.

"Yes, after we defeat Red Claw, Stan will be enrolled there for two weeks. Natalya already signed the contract for him to go mandatorily." Nika says.

"I still don't like the idea but it's for his sake." Loona says.

"I seen many horrible things in his mind. Horrible memories." Krystal confesses.

"Let's just drop it and just relax for a bit. And when Stan wakes up, we will make a special dinner for him. I know what he wants." Loona says.

   Later during the afternoon, Natalya and Chloe have been working hard finding the last Red Claw base and after many hours of finding it. They found an old map somewhere and noticed that The main base is in the ruins of Tennessee.

"That must be it..." Natalya says as she sees a few photos of the base that was clipped to the map.

"I'll go inform everyone." Chloe says.

"You do that and bring the Alpha team here later tonight. Operation Black Flag will commence." Natalya commands.

"Yes ma'am."

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