After about 2 hours of random talking topics and 4 bathroom breaks because apparently, Amy had a small bladder they had switched positions and now Amy was driving.

"wow," Sonic said, he had the seat a bit more laid down and his legs were resting on the dash.

"What?" Amy said as she kept her eyes focused on the road, she had both her hands gripping the wheel hard as if her life depended on it.

"you're a terrible driver"


"You are! Ames, you've been driving for 30 minutes and we've almost crashed like 7 times, and don't get me started on how you avoid the rocks and holes on the road"

Sonic chuckled a bit as he watched her get irritated. He knew Amy was always trying to be the best at everything, and to be honest most of the time she was, but seeing Amy fail at driving was so funny to him.

"I am not bad"

"Sure, whatever makes you happy Ames"

Sonic closed his eyes as he got comfortable laying down. He might as well take a nap now that he isn't the one driving. All of a sudden Sonic felt the car stop, he flew forward and hit his head on the dash where his legs were. The car continued.

"What the h-"

"That's what you get for not wearing a seatbelt"

Amy giggled at what had happened. Sonic knew instantly she did that on purpose and chuckled. 

"fine" he grabbed the seatbelt and clicked it on.




A few more hours had passed by, it was now nighttime. Sonic and Amy had switched back and forth about 5 times now, Sonic was currently the one driving. He looked beside him to see the pink hedgehog all curled up in the seat sleeping. He smiled at the view but quickly looked back at the road. He felt his cheeks burn up a bit in embarrassment.


He looked at a sign ahead that read 'Stay in- Motel'

'well, I am getting tired...'


"Here are you're room keys"


Amy and Sonic walked up to the elevator and got in it. It wasn't the nicest place to stay in, but then again it was cheap so it made sense. The elevators closed once Sonic hit the 4th button. As the elevator started going up Amy laid her head back on the wall and closed her eyes. She had no idea what had happened, all she knew was Sonic woke her up and told her to follow him. She still had not processed it well until he opened the door to the place they'll be staying at the night.

"wait, we're here?"

"uh no, but we are gonna stay the night"

"oh okay"

Amy walked into the room and without thinking about it she laid on the bed, she was still sleepy and wasn't processing well. Sonic chuckled at the fact that she was still sleepy, he knew Amy always went to bed early. It was currently 1:03 in the morning, so he couldn't blame her for being tired. He decided to take a shower. It wasn't like him to want to shower... like ever, but he couldn't help but feel smelly.

After a while Sonic got out of the bathroom and looked at the bed where Amy was, she had fallen asleep. He smiled and put the blanket over her. He walked up to the other side of the bed and laid on it. At first, when he bought the room he didn't think it be weird if Amy and he shared the same bed, but when he turned and saw her he couldn't help but blush.

SonAmy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now