"So, what are you doing here?", she asked after pulling her hand back from mine, I didn't realise I was still holding onto her.

"Uhm, I had to do something for my high lord. Im from Prythian if that explains anything to you?", I asked a bit apologetic, not sure what I'm supposed to say.

"Yeah, I already guessed that.", she chuckled. To my questioning look she answered. "You know, with the wings? You look like an Illyrian so I figured you had to be from Prythian."

"You know all of that?", I was stunned to say the least. And in a good way.

"Sure, with the war and stuff everybody knows. Or at least the ones who want to know. I've read about it and heard stories. You said you're on a mission for you're highlord, so the highlord of the nightcourt? Are you one of his spies? No! You're the spymaster! Right? With the seven blue stones and-", she suddenly stopped her excited bouncing and talkingflow. "Sorry, I'm rambling.", she hung her head a bit, her cheeks heating up out of embarrassment.

"Nothing to be sorry for.", I repeated her words and lifted her chin up, smiling kindly at her. She smiled right back. "Besides, everything you said was right.", I chuckled.

"Really? You're a fae? Like, that's so exciting! What's the mission? No stop, don't tell me! It's probably dangerous, but also cool, can I help you with something?", she waits for me to answer.

"I need a place to stay at for the night. Any chance there's an inn here?", I asked in return.

"No.", she was shaking her head, then her face lit back up. "But you can stay at my house! I have a wolf, but he's really nice and not dangerous at all.", she offers.

"That's really nice, but..", my thoughts drift back to this mysterious assassin. He could make his move at any time. Actually it should have already happened. He's taking more time than usual on this one. I don't want to get her involved in this problem. I'd rather come back later for her and get her when it's safe. "..it'd be dangerous for you."

"Noo, come on! I can take care of myself! And you don't have another option, you look like you're going to fall asleep at any second.", she argued. "Please?" she gave me a sweet smile.

"You don't even know me.", I argued back, but deep down I already knew that I was gonna say yes.

"You don't know me either. Tell me you're name and I'll tell you mine."

"Azriel.", I answered with a defeated sigh.

"(Y/n).", she smiled proudly.

"It's a pleasure meeting you. (Y/n).", with that I bowed slightly and kissed her hand. She was blushing furiously.

"Let's get going then?", she asked. To my nod she lead the way to her house. It was small, standing behind some other houses, so you wouldn't see it directly. As she opened the door and let me in I stepped into a cozy little living room with a kitchen on the side. Some stairs at the back of the room lead upstairs to another level. In the corner of the room was a little fireplace, the fire giving everything a warm orange tone.

"I don't have a second bedroom. You can take the sofa, but if that doesn't work with the wings you can take the bed and I'll sleep-"

"Thank you, the sofa is perfect. I wouldn't want to kick you out of you're own bed.", I smiled at her. She nodded, mirroring my smile.

After I ate something I fell onto the sofa, immediately drifting of to sleep. The last thing I heard was her sweet voice wishing me good night.

~~~Timeskip brought to you by me~~~

I woke up with a dizzy feeling in my head. My eyes barely moving as I try to open them. What's going on here?

I'm trying to lift my hand to rub my eyes. But my hand doesn't move, I pull with all my might, but nothing happens. I start pulling with both hands, realizing they're behind my back, somehow hold together. Suddenly sounds are coming back to me, I hear the rustling of chains. My nose fills with the smell of muddy earth and dried blood. My eyes shoot open and I see- absolutely nothing. Everything around me is as black as my shadows. My mind is racing, what the hell happened? What did I do? What's the last thing I remember? And- oh no. I was at (y/n) house. Please let her be alright. If this a trap by the assassin I hope he left her at the house. He never caused unnecessary deaths before, I dearly hope he's still doing that.

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