Chapter 7

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A/N: WE ARE BACK IN THE GAME! Your going to love this chapter!~

Kurikara's P.O.V

As I cock back the pistol, I hear a whimper from Hotaru, I walk toward him. Pointing my pistol right at his head," You jackass, I knew it! Your just a slut!" i said angerly. I knew that he had cheated on me, am I not his mate? Are you not supposed to stay true to the one you love the most, your other half? He cheated on me, the first night we spent together, it was nothing. Nothing, apparently I'm just another toy for him to play with. Well, he's wrong, he should know by now not to fuck with vampires. Suddenly I feel a bit uneasy, I hear Hotaru say "I know, I'm sorry it's just a one night stand, I wont see her again". Saying that just made me more infuriated. Who the fuck does this to their mate? I guess his bad habits just never lose from his grip. Such a fucking jackass...He's going to pay for what he did, he deserves it. He deserves to be dead, mates or not. Heck I don't even know if we are mates anymore from the way he treats me on the first night.

Kaji's P.O.V

I notice that Kurikara hasn't noticed my presence, what happen though. Before I go berserk on his ass, I want to know the situation. Seeing now that she noticed me I appoint my attention to her."What happened here Kurikara, whats going on?" I said confused and concerned."Oh how nice of you to join us Kaji, yeah this little fucker here messed up." she said bitterly. What what? Fucker? I thought I only said that...Whats going on here?" Okay, what the hell happened? Did he do something to you?" I asked sighing. What she said next gave me pure shock " He cheated on me, right on the first night we spent together. I don't know if we are really mates now."she said. I looked at her with wide eyes,what the hell is this? He fucking does this type of shit on their first night together? My eyes suddenly turn black, blacker than a raven's feather. A smirked carved its way onto my lips, then the area around us became foggy and dark. You think you can get away with such a crime and think you wont suffer? I bare my fangs at him as he turns around a bit, but once I lunge at him its too late. I'm already ripping through his flesh going to the core of his bones, snapping them. Breaking his ribs, tearing off his limbs, tearing out his intestines. Gouging his eyes out, lastly ripping off his fucking dick. This son of a bitch, sounds of his screams and cries suddenly die out, and so does he. Fucker deserved to die.

Kurikara's P.O.V

Ahahaahahaha! Hotaru's finally fucking dead, serves him right. Luckily I don't feel pain, so apparently we aren't mates, probably some weird shit happened. Something probably made us think that we are mates, but in reality we weren't. I should have known from the very beginning and killed him on the spot, not caring at all. Not caring is a good thing, as of right now I don't give two shits about his corpse or his soul or his heart. All of the shit he said to me were lies, he lied when he said we were mates, he lied when he said he loved me. Everything, everything was a lie, he deserved to die, I couldn't be happier since its one less lair on this planet. When I hear footsteps at the door I turn my attention to it, only surprised by Kaji's mate. "What have you done to my brother?!" he shouted.

A/N: AHAHHAHAHAHAH!!! YOU LOVE US RIGHT? FOR DOING THIS RIGHT? YES I KNOW AREN'T WE GOOD AUTHORS?! YES? YES! Hehe anyway! Thank you for reading, vote, comment, or message us or share this with anyone~

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