Chapter 1

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        Kaji's P.O.V

"A satisfying life" Kaji said while slaying a few werewolves that were trying to gang up on him in battle. While slaying them a black wolf with piercing cold icey blue eyes appears. Only a few more like 20 ft away was a huge! I MEAN HUGE WOLF! What the hell?! Why is the alpha here now of all days...the day when im most tired..I hate you life. Suddenly I hear growling coming from the alpha, ignoring everything around me captivated. Is it me or did that wolf just say something...freaking mutt..Forgetting everything around me I feel a slight pain in my abdomen. Slowly looking down and seeing that I'm bleeding, what the hell? Why am I bleeding? Confused suddenly seeing a dagger fly past me, whats going on again?

Kurikara's P.O.V

"Kaji! Watch what your doing! You are spacing out in battle you dummy!" I screamed at Kaji. I haven't see Kaji space out like that before, what happened? I look up to see the alpha, well that was easy, my target just seemed to come right to me. Dashing toward the alpha/ target I'm cut off by my brother's words,"Thats enough Kurikara, it's alright, the mutt is mine." he said coldly. I froze in shock, was this my brother? I haven't seen him like that since well, when our parents died but that was a long time ago. I nod after regaining my ability to move from so much shock. His voice is so..why? Did something happen to him during the battle or what? Was big bro going psycho or what? Walking away or well speed walking I walk back to the mansion waiting for orders. My orders come in for my next target like that suprising.

Well this is new, an alpha's little brother, Hotaru, age 16, alpha blood but doesn't plan to become the leader. Wait what was the pack name again? " was like...Moonlit Crusaders I think.." whispering to myself. This is great..I think I just dug my own grave..

Kaji's P.O.V

        I finished off the wolves that were preparing to attack with mages, hell. I didn't think they would try and take me down with mages, clever, but not clever enough. I slowly step back making them think i was afraid of stupid mages. If you think that would stop me then your kidding, I started dashing at the mages. Disappearing right before their eyes then slitting their throats when they were about to attack. That was a piece of cake, now only a few more and I can deal with that huge mutt over there. After finishing off the last of the wolves, I head over to where the was, wait where is it? Wait a second, I turn and saw the alpha standing in front of me.

"Ugh...what a pain this all is....come on alpha...just give me your all." saying in a lazy tone. The alpha didn't do anything nor did it attack it just gazed at me and I gazed at it too. Standing there for an awful long time I sighed and when I did I regretted it. The wolf soon pinned me down and i turned my neck regretting doing that too, he started to bite into my neck. WHAT THE HELL?! THAT HURTS! IS THIS WOLF INSANE OR WHAT?! I tried resisting but the wolf was stronger than me and started to bite in me deeper. Then a slight moan escaped my mouth and the wolf's teeth retreated from my neck. Holding my neck letting it heal, the wolf got off of me and I noticed something wrong with my neck. Oh hell...did he just do what I think he just did?! "What the hell mutt, why did you mark me?!" i blerted out. The wolf had a big grin on and I was freaked out.

A/N Well sorry to cut you off when things were gonna get good, but I have to go. So untill next time! *^* Hope you enjoyed this though, please comment, vote yadayada. Anyway thank you for reading and I love you guys!~

- @MinoriSan & @Larissa123456789

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