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In your world, what is:

A saying to mean "take it slow".

A saying to mean "don't take it too slow."

A saying to mean "things will be as they are / things are destined."

A saying to mean "you can fight destiny."

A positive saying about love.

A negative saying about love.

A saying to remind someone of their place in society.

A saying to encourage someone to break out of their place in society.

A saying to encourage someone to honour familial bonds.

A saying that society uses only a part of / misinterprets.

A saying to express condolences.

A saying to express jealousy.

A saying to express joy for another person's successes or achievements.

A saying to express congratulations for a life milestone.

A saying to express a negative opinion of a person.

A saying to express a positive opinion of a person.

A saying to compliment a person's ambition.

A saying to deride a person's ambition.

A euphemism for wanting to have sex with someone.

A saying to deride someone for having too much sex.

A saying to deride someone for having too little sex.

A saying to express admiration for a person's beauty.

A saying to express admiration for a person's intelligence.

A saying to express admiration for a person's talent.

A saying to express admiration for a person's bravery.

A saying to express shock or surprise.

A saying to express disappointment.

A saying to blame a higher power for something negative happening.

A saying to praise or thank a higher power for something positive happening.

An expression used to excuse a child's behaviour.

An expression used to excuse misbehaviour.

An expression used to encourage free-thinking.

An expression used to encourage a scholar / sports player / warrior to do their best and try hard.

Any other sayings that are useful / often used.

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