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Torrence sits beside Johnny at Daniel's, talking quietly with him, Amanda, and a man named Chozen. "It's been a week. The longer we wait-" Johnny starts. "We must let Daniel-San heal." Chozen states. "Chozen's right. I wanna do something about it too, but we can't just go after Terry Silver without-" "Dad." Sam says, looking up from her bowl. "Johnny, Torrence? What are you doing here?" Daniel asks, confused. "Figuring out how to make Silver pay for what he did to you." Johnny says, Torrence nodding to confirm. "What's with the suit?" Amanda asks. "I can't wear my pajamas to LaRusso Auto, can I?" Daniel sighs. "You're going into work?" "Daniel-San, we need to make plans-" Chozen begins.

"Guys, I appreciate the sentiment. I do. But I'm outta this thing with Silver. If he wants the Valley, he can have it. I'm done with karate." Daniel says. "What do you mean you're done with karate?" Torrence asks. "Must not give up." Chozen says. "I am giving up. Trying to go toe-to-toe with Terry Silver was a mistake. It almost cost me my family. I'm not making that mistake again." Daniel snaps as he takes a sip of his coffee. "Daniel, we're with you. You don't have to stop fighting." Amanda says. "Yes. I do. I became a sensei to help kids. Instead, I'm making everyone's life worse." He couldn't help Robby, how can he help someone else. "What are you talking about, man? You did help kids."

Johnny turns to face him more. "Want me to make a list of how many ways they're hurting because of this, including my own daughters? Why don't you ask Robby how much I've helped him." Daniel says. "That's different. Robby-" Torrence tries to talk when Daniel shakes his head. "It's not. You know, growing up, I never understood why Mr. Miyagi walked away from a fight. But I understand it now. It's not our job to fight the monsters of the world. Not anymore." He pulls sunglasses from his jacket, putting them on before walking out. Torrence sighs, leaning against Johnny. Soon enough, they're sat in the living room, Johnny pacing the floor in front of them. "I don't get it." He says exasperatedly.

"'No be there' is one thing, but LaRusso letting Silver win?" "That walking oil spill got into Daniel's head in a way I didn't think was possible. He'll come around. He just needs more time." Amanda says. "Do not have much time. Silver's empire growing every day." Chozen says. "Sure, but, I mean, the Valley only has so many kids. How many new dojos can he possibly open?" Amanda says with a shrug. Sam hands Torrence her phone to show to them. "He's not just opening new ones. He's taking over other dojos now too." Sam states. A video of Terry Silver plays, stating he's welcomed Topanga Karate into his 'family.' "When did this happen?" Johnny asks. "It's live. It's happening right now." Torrence says, pointing to the phone screen.

"Perfect. I'm gonna go down there and beat his ponytail ass." Johnny says, turning. "You can't just march down there like a one-man army." She says quickly. "The hell I can't. Guy's who MO is hiding out in the dark, waiting for us to fall into his traps. Right now we know exactly where he is and he's not on his home turf." He almost snaps. "Chozen, please say something to him." Torrence begs. "Torrence-San is right. One-man army not good." Chozen says. "Thank you." "I come with you." The man says. "That's not what I meant." Torrence drops her head into her hands, blocking out the rest of the conversation. "I'll be back. Keep an eye on her please." Johnny says to Amanda and Sam after he kisses Torrence's head.

"I don't understand how this is gonna help dad at all." Sam says. "I don't know, Sam." Amanda says. "At this point, I'm not sure what will." She continues as she carefully leans Torrence onto her shoulder. "He's gonna get hurt." Torrence worries, knowing how careless Johnny can be, especially when it comes to rash decisions. When they get back, Johnny sits at the table, pulling Torrence into his lap. "It is obvious Silver has plan." Chozen says. "So now he's got these international ringers. Son of a bitch refuses to fight fair." Johnny snaps. "All have trained under Silver's master, Kim Sun-Yung. I defeated six senseis from Valley by myself. It took two of us to stand against just one." Chozen says.

"I still think we could've taken 'em. Give me a pair of nunchucks and it's lights out, baby." Johnny says. Torrence laughs, flicking his head. "Okay, let's just take a breath here before we start entertaining assault with deadly weapons. Chozen, you're still pretty new around here, and no offense, Johnny, but strategy isn't exactly your forte. You're more of a... blunt instrument." Amanda says. "Thank you." Johnny nods. Torrence snorts. "Wasn't exactly a compliment, Lawrence." "If we're gonna mount a resistance, we're gonna need Daniel to lead it." Amanda states. "Yeah, well you heard him. He doesn't wanna fight anymore." Johnny says. "I thought I was done fighting too. But I was wrong."

Everyone looks at Sam, listening to her. "I thought the same as dad. I felt like... karate just made everything worse for everyone. I've even got the scars to prove it. But years from now, if my scars have faded... the lessons that I learned, Mr. Miyagi's lessons, they'll be even more powerful than the first time I put on a gi. Dad was right. Mr. Miyagi avoided a fight whenever possible. But he also fought when he had to. And if he were here right now, I think he would tell dad that this is a fight we can't walk away from." She finishes. "Well, Daniel may not have Mr. Miyagi to rely on anymore, but... he's got us." Amanda says. Torrence nods, smiling slightly. They all quickly come up with a plan for Daniel.

They all stand behind Miyagi's dojo, waiting for Daniel to come in with Amanda. Robby and Sam join the group behind Torrence as she leans against Johnny. "You're not alone anymore. So what do you say, dad? Will you fight?" Sam asks. They all bow when Daniel joins the senseis standing in front of everyone. Torrence grins, looking over at Eli as he watches her. He hasn't seen her since the waterpark and she looks... different somehow. She's got this glow to her and her and Johnny seem closer than they ever have before. He's also noticed that her and Robby are getting along, joking like they've never once conjured the idea of being enemies. Eli walks to her when everyone scatters to talk to each other.

"Hey, sweetheart, how's everything?" He asks as she sits on the steps, watching Johnny. "Are we really doing small talk like we haven't been best friends for years?" She teases, elbowing him jokingly. "Well, I just... I haven't seen you much recently and you're... well, you're different. You've been different since you got back from Mexico." He shrugs, looking away from her. "Oh! Oh my God! How could I forget? Go get Demetri real quick!" She shoos him away as Robby and Miguel come over. "What's up?" Robby ruffles her hair. "I'm telling Eli and Demetri. I can't believe I forgot." "Tell us what?" Demetri asks as he walks to her with Eli. She stands, looking at Miguel nervously, he smiles softly, nodding.

"So, I know we haven't exactly been talking much these past few weeks, and I've barely left Johnny's side, but there's a reason for that." She pauses, glancing up at them. "I'm pregnant." It takes a second for it to sink it. "Holy shit. Holy shit!" Eli wraps her in a hug quickly before Demetri joins, both squeezing her. She laughs, trying to get them to calm down as they draw attention to them. Eli steps back, taking her face in his hands. "You're gonna be a great mom. I'm so happy for you, Tor." He's got tears in his eyes as he looks at her. She swore she'd never make it out of high school, stated she'd never live long enough to see the day. Now here she is. "Oh, don't cry." She tears up, hugging him tightly.

Demetri looks at her when she steps back from Eli. "Congrats, Torrence." He smiles, wiping the single tear off her cheek. Johnny walks over, wrapping his arm around Torrence and looking at the boys. "Everything okay over here?" He smiles, knowing what she's just told them. "Absolutely." She confirms, nodding. "If you hurt her, I will kill you." Eli says with a grin. Torrence slaps his arm as she laughs. "He's been great, really. Fixed up the apartment and even got those two knuckleheads to work out there differences." She motions to Robby and Miguel behind her. "And don't worry, we've all got her back if things, heaven forbid, go south." Miguel says, kissing Torrence's forehead. "Yeah, yeah. Idiots."

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