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While training, she loses track of time, only realizing how late it is when Johnny comes in, surprise evident on his face when he notices the door is unlocked and Torrence is still there. "Didn't expect you to still be here." He says. "I lost track of time." She explains, pulling her phone out of her bag to find a missed call from her mom. "Give me just a second." She walks outside, calling her back. "Where are you? It's getting late." Eliza says calmly, knowing exactly where her daughter is. "I'm at the dojo, Lawrence let me train late and I lost track of time." Torrence says, bouncing on her heels.

"Are you safe?" Eliza asks. "I'm at a karate dojo with a black belt, I'm safe." Torrence laughs. "Okay. Let me know when you're home, I'm going out on a date." Torrence can hear her mother smile as she speaks. "Have fun, momma. You deserve it." Torrence says, they say their goodbyes before she goes back inside, watching Johnny put up the poster for the All Valley. "Oh my God, did you get it to where we can participate?" She asks excitedly. "Sure as hell I did." He smiles. She rushes forward, wrapping her arms around him. He chuckles, wrapping his free arm around her waist.

She pulls back quickly, her face red. "Sorry." "No, no, it's okay." He assures, smiling at her. The door opens and in walks Miguel. "Ooh! Who's the man?" Miguel exclaims. "I'm the man." Johnny answers, his free arm still around Torrence's waist. Miguel notices and smirks but doesn't say anything. "Oh shit. Are you the man too? Tell me you're the man" Johnny says, seeing Miguel's smirk. "I'm the man!" Miguel shouts, throwing his things to the side. "I crushed the date." He continues. "I crushed the committee meeting." "So, Cobra Kai's in?" Miguel asks as excited as Torrence.

"Hell yeah, we're in. Cobra Kai's back, baby." Miguel hugs Johnny, the beer in Johnny's hand sitting on Miguel's back because Johnny wouldn't let go of Torrence. "All right, I'm gonna grab sodas. Do you want a Banquet?" Miguel asks when he pulls away. "No, no. This calls for a real toast." Johnny says, finally unwrapping his arm from Torrence. She shivers when the air hits her skin, Johnny's warmth quickly disappearing as he walks away. He comes back with two solo cups and liquor. "The good stuff, for real men." He says. "Hey, what about me?" Torrence asks with a pout.

"We can share, princess." He answers. Torrence goes red, looking at the floor. He pours the liquor into the cups, handing her his cup first. Miguel sniffs it and makes a face. "Drink it. It'll put hair on your balls." Johnny says. Torrence also makes a face. "Gross." She mutters. "Is that a good thing?" Miguel asks. "Yeah, it's a good thing." Johnny says with a scoff. "Jett, take a sip." Johnny watches her, waiting for her reaction. She takes a pretty big sip, swallowing it without so much as a wince. Johnny's eyes widen in awe. Miguel makes another face, gagging as he drinks.

The following class, Johnny had them meet in a junkyard. He stands on top of a van, beer can in his hand. He chugs some of it. "You've trained hard. You've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best. You're ready for this tournament, am I right?" He asks. "Yes, Sensei!" Everyone shouts. Johnny throws the half-empty beer can at the feet of his students, the remainder splashing onto Torrence's feet. "Fucking hell." She mutters. "Wrong! Your best ain't shit! If you wanna win the All Valley Under-18 Karate Tournament, you gotta give me better than your best. Which is why from now on, you're gonna get my worst."

"Oh God, there's worse?" Torrence questions aloud making Miguel laugh. "Watch it, Jett. Unless you wanna run laps." Johnny points at her. "Sorry, Sensei." She says quickly. "Do you understand?" He asks everyone. "Yes, Sensei!" They respond. "Are you losers?" "No, Sensei!" He paces the van. "Are you nerds?" "No, Sensei!" Torrence turns to Eli nodding to say yes she was, he laughs. "Are you sure?" Johnny asks. "No, Sensei!" They answer, stuck in the habit of saying no. Johnny groans, dropping his head into his hands. He has them run through tires first.

Then he had them smash things. "Your enemies are all around you. Destroy them!" He says. Torrence thinks that was simply to let them blow off some steam. She smashes in the side of a car, thinking about what her mom had talked to her about that morning. "Torrence, sweetheart, can we talk?" Eliza asked. "Yeah, of course, what's up, momma?" Torrence nodded, walking into the kitchen. "I need you to roll up your sleeves for me." Eliza said softly. "What?" Torrence laughed nervously. "Demetri told me how you were... handling things happening at school a little while ago." Eliza explains.

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