"Is that what people use to call 'real love'?", asked Agnetha trying not to break out with laughter.

Soon the car was filled with laughter.

"We're there.", hearing Benny say that made Agnetha immediately stop laughing.

"Come on.", Frida literally tugged Agnetha into the TV studio. 

"There you are!", Björn rushed towards them immediately stopping by the sight of his beloved Agnetha.

They both ignored each other completely. Afraid of themselves.

"Hej. How are you?", tried Björn to start a conversation and kill the silence.

"I'm...", luckily they got saved by the production manager.

"We have to start filming. So, we start with Benny, then Frida, next is Björn and the last on is Agnetha.", explained the director the procedure.

After 45 minutes every take was filmed and ABBA were done. You could say, that the filming well went. Agnetha and Björn tried not to meet each other or if they had to be, never be alone in a room.

Afterwards Frida suggested to go to a restaurant and eat lunch together. Agnetha tried indeed to excuse herself so she didn't have to go with the others but Frida wouldn't let her. It was gezielt from her. Frida had planned to take Benny and leave Agnetha and Björn alone so they would hopefully talk with each other.

Quarter an hour later, the four of them were sitting in a restaurant nearby. They had already ordered and were now sitting together and talking. 

Björn soon realized that Agnetha was not participating herself so he decided to involve her a bit more in the conversation. He was still worried and wanted to know how she was doing.

"How about you, Anna?", Agnetha was lost deep in her thoughts. Due to that she doesn't realized that Björn had asked her something.

"Agnetha?", Frida nudged Agnetha careful.

"Sorry. What did you say?", Agnetha admonished herself to listen more careful.

"I wanted to know what you were thinking about it.", repeated Björn his question.

"I'm sorry. What were you talking about?"

"We were talking about the TV special in Switzerland and...", after a few words was Agnetha once more inattentive.

"Anna? Are you even listening?", in a way was Björn annoyed by Agnetha's inattention but he was also fascinated by the fact how often she was drifting off. "Women, always thinking about something else.", was everything he was trying to think. The truth was that he was concerned about Agnetha. Normally she was paying attention to everything and in general a very alert person. Though she often seemed shy and reserved.

"No.", answered that honestly: " Please say it one more time."

"So the question was if it is okay for you that you will have to be iceskating with Björn.", after a few seconds added Frida: "If you don't want we can find another way."

"It's fine.", said Agnetha again drifting off.

Luckily arrived the food before anybody could respond.

After a few minutes of silent eating decided Frida that it was the right time to live Agnetha and Björn by themselves.

"Benny, can you follow me outside for a moment?", asked Frida before leaving with a completely confused Benny.

"Why darling? Is everything alright? Aren't you feeling well?", asked Benny once they were outside.

"Everything is fine. I just wanted to give those two lovebirds, who are not admitting that they are meant to be together, some time so they will hopefully make up with each other."

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