•sick• Raph x M!reader

306 9 1

Requested by: no one

•male reader
•character: Raph


No one's pov:

You had gotten sick while at the turtles place. Your parents were away on some kind of vacation so you had the house to yourself, you decided to hang with the turtles.

Unfortunately when you arrived, you had somehow gotten sick. It had been pretty cold recently so you assumed you had a small cold.
You didn't let that stop you from seeing your boyfriend of course.

"Hey Raph!" You say running up to him. "Y/n!" Yelled Raph.
Raph hugged you swing you into the air. You laughed at first feeling happy but you laugh quickly turned into a cough.

"You alright y/n? Was I being to rough with you?" Raph asked worriedly. "No not at all *cough* just a small cough that's all."
You said smiling.

"Okay! Just making sure" Raph said a smile brought back to his face. "So what do you wanna do?" Raph asked excitedly.
You thought for a moment. "How about some cuddles?"

Raph blushed with a goofy smile on his face and nodded.
You and him walked to his room. Raph lied down on his shell/back and you laid down on his plastron.

Ahh~ what a great feeling cuddling up with your boyfriend. Suddenly you felt a cough in your throat you tried to hold it in but you couldn't and you got up and began having a coughing fit.

"Y/n are you sure you're okay?"
"Yea I'm- *cough* fine" you protested. Raph knew you were lying, it was plain to see that you were sick and needed a little care.

"I'm gonna go grab some medicine. stay here" Raph said.
You listened and stayed in his room as you continued coughing. Raph came back after a minute or two with some medicine.

"Here take this" Raph said handing you some Ibuprofen and a glass of water. You obeyed and took the glass along with the pill. You swallowed the pill once drinking some water.

"Drink all of it" Raph said.
You mentally rolled your eyes, feeling as if he was caring for you like your mom would.
You drank the whole glass before handing the cup back to him.

Raph set the glass down and laid back in bed with you. "The medicine should help with any pain, now all you need is some rest." Raph said gently.

You felt a little disappointed as you wanted not only to cuddle with Raph but just try having fun with him. But then again Raph gives the best cuddles.

Raph wrapped his arms around you. Your back lightly pressed against his plastron. He held you in his arms gently, kissing your head. "Rest now."
"Okay" you replied quietly.

Raph pulled the covers over you two and eventually you both fell asleep.


Hello! Hope you like that!
As I'm writing this I currently have a small cold. Also I decided to write/post this because 1. For fun and 2. To let you guys know I'm still alive.
I know you're probably wondering, when's the next chapter of Toy Freddy x male reader gonna come out?

Im working on it. I've just been busy. I was in California for three whole days and I also need a little motivation. But I'm letting you guys know that I'll try to get second chapter out soon! See ya next time.


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