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Written ~10/17/2022 || I loved one of the plot points in "The Green Eyed's Tale" - I wanted to put my own spin on it, but it was still heavily inspired by that.

I sit down to rest. The last hour has been very... stressful. Only now am I able to really catch my breath. I exhale deeply and close my eyes. I hear my gooey friend plop down next to me.

I met her not too long ago. I'm not sure why she wanted to stick by me. I don't know what about her is different from the rest of those monsters. She looks just like them, but she's been helping me. She even hugged me once, and I was fine, if not a little disconcerted. I open my eyes and look over. She's been observing me. She gives me a small smile and waves.

What if she's not different at all? It's possible that all of this is to gain my trust. I can't think of another reason why a monster would want to be near me. She's been kind, and I feel awful for thinking this, but she's been... too kind.

"Hey..." I begin, but I can't continue. She gives me a weird look.

"What is it?" she encourages me. I take a moment and another deep breath. I don't want to ask this. What if isn't true. What if it is true? I haven't questioned it yet but now that we're in a safe spot I can't keep it in.

"Be honest. Are you going to kill me the moment you get the chance?" I ask, looking away from her. I fixate on the floor, waiting for a response. When one doesn't come, the answer becomes obvious.

I look back at her. She's not looking at me anymore. She's looking away just like I was. I quietly push myself away from her. She turns her head. She's... crying.

"Why haven't you?" I ask solemnly. She opens her mouth, but nothing comes out. When her words fail her, she leans towards me. I instinctually lean away in turn. She frowns, leaning back slightly. I realize what she's about to do and attempt to get up, but she's much faster than I. She jumps on me, pulling me to the ground and pinning me on my stomach.

"Let me go!" I yell as I kick and squirm in a desperate attempt to escape the arms wrapped around me.

"Please... please listen," she begs, "I won't... I won't..."

"Why didn't you say that sooner?" I question angrily, still squirming.

"I-I was... but you're my friend. It's so hard not to... but I can't. For you," she explains. "Please... calm down!"

Her half-goo half-fur tightens around me. I want to be mad at her. I want to hate her for planning on betraying my trust, but I can't stay mad for long. She's choosing to ignore her biggest desire for me.

"Give me a chance..." she pleads, "I can still help you."

"Fine, just... please get off me now."

I quit struggling, waiting for her to release me. 15 seconds later I just barely pick up on her laughing. I ask her what's so funny. It takes a few seconds more for her to respond.

"You're stuck with me, if I want you to be. I'm stronger," she squeezes me firmly, "and bigger. But... I don't want to force you, and I don't want to... eat... you. You are company I've wanted for a long time."

My face is probably red. I know they're all better than me. For her to say it, though... I'm about to ask her to let me go again, but she picks back up.

"I am stronger physically, but you are stronger mentally," she continues, getting on her knees and lifting me up before pulling me against her. "A human, braving the strange place full of hungry animals who'd love nothing more than to assimilate you. I respect you."

The heat in my face intensifies. I've never been told anything like that. "Let's rest for a moment longer, then be on our way. I apologize for not being honest sooner."

I take a moment before responding. "...Sounds like a plan."

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