The Clearing

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Written ~4/4/2021 || Wrote this for my best friend, from their perspective.

It's getting darker. The sun is about to set. You are in a forest. It's warm, and the sounds of the bugs are just beginning to pick up. You're being led somewhere by your friend. You're not going along a path. There isn't one. Your friend just knows the way. You assume they've come back and forth many times.

You hear their quiet voice; your destination is just up ahead. In following them, you've walked far from your home. They warn you not to trip, and you descend. Shortly after passing the small decline, you come across a clearing. You both stop in the middle. Your friend sits, facing away from you. You sit to their left. You look down at them, and they look back in turn. They're only slightly smaller than you. Their purple eyes are a stark contrast to the orange hue of your surroundings. They ask you if you remember this place. You do.

They look up at the sky. They say that you've never been here before. They're right, but that hasn't stopped you from knowing about it. They lean against you. You can feel their tail tapping you lightly as it wags. They say that they're glad you came. They're glad that you followed them. They like this place, and they decided to show you as well.

You're unsure how to feel. You almost always have doubts and worries, but you feel glad without thinking about those. You're glad they trust you. You look up at the sky as well. You thank them. They don't respond, but you already know how they feel. They ask if you'd be fine with sitting here for a while. You don't mind. They ask you something. You're zoned out. They ask again, and you snap back to reality. You respond, and a conversation starts. You forget about the passage of time.

Eventually the moon rises and darkness dominates. Your friend's eyes glow. Their responses start to slow. You ask if they're tired. They reluctantly admit that they are. You tell them that its okay to rest. They look to the sky for the second time. You look up, mimicking them. The stars are out now. They bring a few memories. You don't think about anything. You just admire the sight. When your gaze returns to Earth, you see that your friend has fallen asleep. You move them into a position where they're lying down and lie next to them. You close your eyes, smiling to yourself.

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