Trust (Dragon Encounter)

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Written before 2020 || Went off the top of my head, wanted to write about a dragon.

He opened his eyes, disorientated. Everything looked fuzzy. He felt like he was on a soft blanket. Once his vision cleared, he saw that he was in a clearing. Trees obscured his vision a few meters in every direction. The full moon was almost directly above him, and it's reflected light made the surroundings easier to see.

He sat up, resting his hands in his lap. Crickets chirped from everywhere. He was wearing long black pants and a white t-shirt. He was barefoot. He started to stand up, but fell back down in surprise. In front of him were two glowing purple eyes. They watched him intently. When it realized he had noticed it, it moved towards him. The moonlight glinted on its scales. In front of him was a giant, midnight black dragon.

It had four small horns on its head. Its tail swung from side to side as it moved. The human moved backwards slightly, but then he stopped. He knew he couldn't outrun it. He watched as it stopped in front of him. He looked up at it. It looked down at him, taking him in. It looked friendly, and he felt like he could trust it. He saw something in its eyes change. It knew he trusted it.

It suddenly moved towards him, catching him off guard and picking him up with its claws. It lifted off the ground with great speed, bringing the kid with it. The cold wind blew on his face as they flew through the air. He heard the powerful beats of its wings. Its claws were tight. They flew for a few more minutes. The moon was still high in the sky. The kid suddenly felt unusually warm, but didn't think much of it at first. He looked down, and saw he was bleeding. The warmth was blood. The dragon was digging into him. He started to panic, but he didn't let out a sound.

Half a minute later the pair suddenly stopped moving. He looked at the view, trying to forget that he was losing blood. They were high up. His hair suddenly felt wet. He looked up, and saw the dragon looking down at him. It was crying.

It let him go.

He fell. His face showed everything he didn't have the time to shout out. Tears slid down his face. Not because he was going to die. Not because of the pain. He started crying because he felt betrayed. He trusted it, and it led him to his end. For what purpose?

He knew the land was approaching fast. The dragon was still above him, watching as he fell. He closed his eyes, bracing for impact. It came sooner than he expected. He hit a tree and heard something that wasn't a branch snap. Pain coursed through his body. He hit another branch before landing on his back. He couldn't move, the pain had him paralyzed. He was still crying, his vision blurry. His left leg and right arm were twisted in unnatural positions.

The dragon dove down and landed with a quiet thud next to him. It closed its eyes and nuzzled his hand with its maw. His vision darkened a little. His breathing was quick and shaky.

He smiled, still trusting it, despite what had just occurred. He didn't know why he trusted it; he didn't know why he ever trusted it. Something about the dragon was hypnotic. It moved the kid's limbs back to their respective positions. He felt nothing but a tug. He was numb, and knew he was dying. He closed his eyes. That was the last thing he thought.

The dragon didn't waste time. It licked up the blood. It didn't want this to happen. It was told to kill a human before the next day lest it be cast out. It tried to stall, but it ended up just drawing it out. Causing more pain than was necessary. It couldn't go through with it. It accepted its weakness and its fate.

When it was done, it laid down next to his body. It knew he'd survive thanks to its saliva's healing properties, but it'd take much longer for him to fully recover. It felt his small heartbeat. It was slow, but it was there.

It covered him with its wing and nodded off.

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