Lonely and Distraught

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Written ~5/10/2022 || I really wanted to make this into a longer story but I simply have no ideas for how to continue it. I managed to get two chapters. The question I'm always faced with; "Where do I go from here?"


...This place is calm.

I picked a sturdy log to sit on, and it's holding strong. Not too uncomfortable, either. I stare into the smoldering embers; the dying fire in front of me. The heat's all but gone, and with it, the only thing that was illuminating my surroundings. The moon is out, but the forest is thick. It helps just enough. I guess I don't really need the fire's light anyway.

...I'm not used to that...

I look up. The expanse of trees stretches out before me. I can't see far, but I can hear insects beyond the small clearing. My cheeks feel weird, the fur sticky with dried tears. It's such a weird feeling...


My eyes close against my will. I can't fall asleep sitting here, but finding the energy to move is proving difficult. This is my second night here. I have nowhere to go. My family... have collectively turned their backs on me. I can feel a wave of fresh tears. It's not my fault. I don't know how it happened, or why. It's all questions, no answers.

I hear footsteps; they're almost silent. My tired brain doesn't think anything of them until it's too late.

They stop.

"Don't turn around," I hear someone whisper behind me. My eyes instinctively shoot open. I process the demand and keep looking forward. The fire has picked back up. I didn't do that. The smell of the fire is strong, so I can't gather much on whoever snuck up behind me.

"Who's there? I have nothing to give you, I'm alone h-"

"Shhhhh..." I'm cut off. I feel 2 large hands placed on my shoulders. My heart's picking up as my brain's trying desperately to shake the tiredness. It's failing.

"I'll give you some company, then," the voice whispers. It sounds like a female. I feel the hands slide down. Down my back, eventually reaching around my stomach. "Do as I say and you'll be fine."

I nod silently. Her arms tighten around me, hugging me from behind. "Sorry... I don't want to hurt you. That came out wrong." Why is she doing this? And why is she being so physical? She speaks as if she read my mind.

"I live here... I saw you yesterday, but you're new. Your scent stands out to me, you know that? I haven't seen a fox in a long time. I haven't seen anyone else I can talk to in a long time. But you, fox... you've stepped into my territory." The fire crackles in front of me. I'm an intruder. I'm a fox... I don't think she wants to hurt me, though. She said so herself. Or was that just to make me feel safe?

I don't respond; instead, I look down. Her hands are covered in fur, like mine. They're very different, though. I've seen something similar before. Not in person; where I'm from, non-humans are witch-hunted. I saw it on TV. A wolf.

There's a wolf behind me.

...She's much bigger than me. I don't think I'd be able to escape her hug if I tried.

"I saw you crying. I don't know why you're here, but... I will consider you a guest. For now."

I close my eyes again. So much has happened that I still haven't really processed yet. I can work on that in the morning. For now... this. It's not that bad. It's almost nice, all things considered. I didn't realize how much I needed company. I don't know why she chose to stay behind me, though. I guess it would've been a good idea if I was hostile, but judging from my initial reaction, she could probably tell immediately that I wasn't. Either way, I know just from this that the size difference wouldn't have worked in my favor. I'm... not going to think about that right now. What matters is that she's friendly, and so am I. I'm also very tired.

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