86 ∞ Into the Lair

121 19 8

A/N: Dedicated to JUGG3RN4UT for votes and speedy reading.

Shortlisted – Day 0005

The elevator didn't ask them about their ability to adjust to the lighter gravity destination this time. It just started rising, and Gareth automatically reached for the railing as his weight diminished. When the elevator slowed to a gentle stop and opened its doors, a dark-skinned man stood before them, with close-cropped, curly black hair to match his firm jawline. The patch on his uniform confirmed him as a high-ranking aide.

Harlin motioned for Gareth to go first as the Aide said, "Please follow me, gentlemen."

No other words were exchanged as they followed the Aide, Harlin walking with ease in the lighter gravity, Gareth taking cautious steps until he found his stride. They saw no one else as they progressed along the upward-curving hallway. So long was the walk that Gareth wondered whether they'd be walking the entire circumference of this level.

The Aide stopped at a door, keyed it to open, and gestured for them to enter.

Gareth paused beside Harlin and looked around. Scattered across the room were chairs, couches, and tables. At the opposite wall, an L-shaped desk sat next to another door.

The Aide passed them to sit at the desk. "Mr. Mayfine will see you shortly. Please take a seat."

A holographic keyboard materialized on the desk, and he started typing, ignoring the two men. Gareth chose a solitary chair, and Harlin chose one closest to him. After a few moments, Harlin shifted restlessly. To Gareth's relief, he didn't try to engage him in idle conversation, and the wait wasn't long.

The Aide gestured at them. "You may go in, gentlemen."

Gareth stood up, making eye contact with Harlin as he rose.

"I'll go first," Harlin said.

Gareth nodded. That was fine by him. He followed Harlin to the door and entered the office.

Mayfine looked up from his desk with both hard and holographic monitors, his lips tightening in anger. "Just what kind of stunt was that, Harlin? This is supposed to be low profile, and here you go attracting the attention of everyone on half the planet. I'd also like to know how you got the clearance to get away with that stunt. Even Maat doesn't have the authority to override a military base. I checked. Now I've got the military asking questions like 'What the hell just happened?' for starters."

Harlin halted a few steps behind the visitor chairs in front of Mayfine's large desk. "Your instructions were to bring Captain Levant as soon as possible once he committed to this decision. Sir."

"I never told you to do a vertical rocket launch in the wee hours of the morning! You caught the attention of two cities and every air car in between! What made you think that was a good idea?"

Gareth wasn't about to leave Harlin out to hang, so he took a step forward, standing at attention. "It was my fault, sir. I take full responsibility."

Mayfine seemed to be taken aback by this statement. He scrutinized Gareth's face, then Harlin's.

"Explain yourself, Captain Levant," he stated coldly.

"There were four factors for my decision, sir. One, time is of the essence for my wife. Two, protocol demands that all approaches to the station do so with minimum fuel. Three, I have no idea why, but the shuttle was equipped with fully loaded auxiliary tanks. I had a choice of burning the fuel or dumping it in orbit. Burning it was the most efficient use of the fuel." Gareth stopped talking and waited.

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