S2E9 (Outbid a coconut)

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Night 21

balboato hotel

Tygbg123 (Confessional): I Don't even know how people know it was me playing hisoka

Danganronpa134422k: So uh why am i here jacesgames333 again?

Jacesgames333: cause i was planning something

Danganronpa134422k: Okay yeah

Jacesgames333: why do you have peanut butter in your hands?

Danganronpa134422k: just tell me what you want to tell me

Jacesgames333: okay we should vote out tygbg123 or jayingee what do you wanna vote for?

Danganronpa grabs a bunch of peanut butter and eats it

Danganronpa134422k: tygbg123 cause jayingee is not even amazing in doing something strategic

Jacesgames333: Okay anyways go back to your dorm

Jacesgames333 slams the door

Danganronpa134422k: Eh oh well

Day 22

balboato hotel

Tygbg123: So uh let's vote Jayingee and ill give you a safety when you tell me okay?

BlockYesBubbleNo2: Well it is a great deal so yes

Joenutztheswag2: yeah same here

Tygbg123: well anyways imma go do whatever

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: See you then bro imma just go and sleep

Joenutztheswag2: WAIT before you sleep wanna play........ RONPOLY?

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: Of course YES

8 minutes later

Joenutztheswag2: oh gosh my money is running out

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: Yes you are

2 minutes later

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: YES I WIN

Joenutztheswag2: Dang it

Night 22

Nothing happened

Day 23

Balboato hotel

Tygbg123 (Confessonial): i am getting targetted really hard i am desperate for immunity now

YT_KalebPlayz: so why are we near the water

Danganronpa134422k: We are gonna swim

Jacesgames333: imm just dive into the water

7 minutes later

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: Hey guys james is calling us

danganronpa134422k: Okay then

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: Btw he will be waiting in the dock

Tygbg123: Wait for me

BlockyYesBubbleNo2 (Confessional): i don't wanna know if i wanna flip tygbg123 but we made a deal so

James: hello welcome to the dock lets go to the bar where we will we outbid


James: oh gosh welcome to the shop guys do you remember when you win immunity's or team immunity's?

Joenutztheswag2: Yeah

BlockyYesBubbleNo2: Yup

James: well you get 50 elephant bucks for it

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