S2E5 (No more winning)

6 1 0

Day 11

Ro lephant's hotel

Javesanddenis: we have to win the next immunity challenge we cant keep on losing

Jayingee: that's true

Javesanddenis: let's train for the next challenge don't we?

Tygbg123: Hey i wanna train too

Tygbg123: but how will we know?

Jayingee: it's probably where you catch a ball then the last person shoots for a point for their team

Javesanddenis: okay then let's go

Okeeda: hey wait for me

after 12 minutes of training

Jayingee: let's take a break

Okeeda: Yeah

Ho lephant hotel

Danganronpa134422k (confessional): i think we are just gonna win whole season so i can do whatever now hah

Night 11

Nothing happened

Day 12


Night 12

Ho lor hotel

Farmerboy448 (confessional): i don't wanna be cocky but we have won 4 challenge which is neat

Day 13

Ho Lor hotel

Danganronpa134422k: it has been 3 days now

Hisokasfootrest: Yeah

Ho Lephant hotel

Okeeda: we have doing this training for 3 days now so we can win the next challenge

Javesanddenis: Oh yeah

Jayingee: well that's true

Challenge time

James: meet the new ho lephant team mrflimflam voted out

Farmerboy448: Oh...

Danganronpa134422k: Neat the competiton is out of the way

Farmerboy448 (confessional): The 1st outlasted winner got out oh boi

James: time for a immunity challenge

Mossy112345: Oh boi

James: this challenge we dont have to do this in a beach

Farmerboy448: Oh my

James: this challenge you have to throw a ball to your team mates then throw it to your teammates to the last person who has the ball you have to throw it in a hoop get 6 points to win

James: ho lor you have to sit out 3 people

Farmerboy448: Me

Hisokasfootrest: me

Mossy112345: Me too

Tygbg123: oh boi

Tygbg123 (confessional): i don't wanna mess up the team this challenge or i am gone

James: Okay 3... 2... 1... Go

Tygbg123: Oh yea

Okeeda: Yes the training worked

James: ho lephant is in the lead

Jayingee: Oh yeah

Javesanddenis: Oh boi

James: ho lephant is now with 4 points

James: while ho lor with 2 points

Javesanddenis: come on okeeda come on

Okeeda: Oh gosh

Tygbg123: Just do it MAN

James: Ho lephant WINS IMMUNITY

Tygbg123: YESSS

Okeeda: OH YEAH

Javesanddenis: OH YES

Jayingee: Oh YEAH

BlockYesBubbleNo2: YES WE WON

James: ho lor i am gonna meet you at the elimation

Farmerboy448: Oh my gosh

Danganronpa134422k: This sucks

Farmerboy448: Danganronpa you kinda messed up at the challenge

YT_KalebPlayz: True

Danganronpa134422k: Hey atleast i played at the challenge

Mossy112345: Oh boi

Danganronpa134422k (confessional): Farmerboy448 is probably voting me tonight but why dont i vote his chess player 2 first mossy

Danganronpa134422k (confessional): it might be dumb but i need to be safe

Farmeeboy448 (Conffesional): danganronpa is probably voting me out so i am gonna vote him out tonight

Night 13


James: welcome to your first elimation ho lor team

Farmerboy448: Oh boi

Danganronpa134422k: Oh my

James: time to vote

James: i have gotten the votes

James: 1st vote Danganronpa134422k
2nd vote Mossy112345
3rd vote Danganronpa134422k
4th vote Mossy112345
5th vote Danganronpa134422k
6th vote Mossy112345
7th vote Mossy112345
the final vote....

James: a tie oh well the 2 players who is in the tie cannot vote

James: i have gotten the votes

Farmerboy448 (confessional): this brings shivers to my spine

James: 1st vote Danganronpa134422k
2nd vote Danganronpa134422k
3rd vote Mossy112345
4th vote Mossy112345
5th vote Danganronpa134422k
the final vote....

James: cause there is another tie the other players that isnt in the tie have to do a challenge

Farmerboy448: Oh my gosh

James: you have to draw marbles i dyed one marble black if you get it you will be the 5th person elimated

YT_KalebPlayz: Yes

Hosikafootrest: gulp oh thank gosh

Jacesgames333 (confessional): imma just hack the marble if its black lol

Jacesgames333: Oh yeah

Joenutztheswag2: Oh yes

Farmerboy448: NOOOO come on are you kidding me a black marble

James: you got the black marble

James: farmerboy448 the team has spoken

Farmerboy448: This sucks as heck

Joenutztheswag2: Goodbye bro

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