S2E3 (Overall Shock)

2 1 0

Night 6

Ho Lor's hotel

YT_KalebPlayz (Confessional): This sucks i can't sleep without thinking those guy's are gonna ruin my room

Hosikafootrest: Hey guys

Danganronpa134422k: What i am trying to sleep here

Hosikafootrest: Why is blocky's room he has a sunscreen?

Danganronpa134422k: i thought you had a room of yourself

Hosikafootrest: Oh

Jacesgames333: Can you shut up for a second i am trying to sleep here

Danganronpa134422k: It's not my fault

Danganronpa134422k (confessionial): If We lose a immunity challenge Jacesgames333 is going home

Ho lephant's hotel

Javesanddenis (confessionial): My room is next to mrflimflam and i hear each night that his talking to someone so i am gonna spy my guy

Mrflimflam: Hey Jayingee vote off Imdexton if we lose okay?

Jayingee: Okay geez man

Javesanddenis: Hm

Javesanddenis (confessionial): got my informantion time to tell it to dexton

BlockYesBubbleNo2 (confessional): Maybe switching team's might be a great idea but eh

Day 7

Ho lor's hotel

Farmerboy448: Ah what a nice day to relax

Mossy112345: Hey bro wanna play chess

Farmerboy448: Eh why not

*6 mins later*

Mossy112345: Oi yes yes

Farmerboy448: Checkmate


Farmerboy448: I dont wanna play anymore so bye bye mossy

Mossy112345: this sucks

Hisokafoorest: Hey Mossy wanna go hunting in hotel island

Danganronpa134422k: Hey let me come in too

Hotel island

Danganronpa134422k: Hey Mossy wanna have a private talk?

Mossy112345: Yeah sure

Ho lephant hotel

Javesanddenis: Hey indexton Jayingee and mrflimflam is voting you if we lose tonight

Imdexton: This sucks

Tygbg123 (Confessional): I would say dexton is already a goner so


James: Welcome to the challenge if you win this challenge you are safe for tonight and will get Hamburgers, fries, Soft drinks

Javesanddenis: Oh my gosh

Mrflimflam (Confessional): Not gonna we now need to win

Danganronpa134422k: well this is gonna be easy

James: we will be playing with balls and ho lor pick 2 people to sit out

Jacesgames333: Me

Hisokasfootrest: Me

James: Okay in this challenge you have to take out 6 members of the other team to win very simple

Javesanddenis: Oh boi

James: 3... 2... 1.. Go

James: Javesanddenis takes out Kaleb first then took out Joenutztheswag2

Joenutztheswag2: Are you kidding me

James: Then danganronpa134422k Takes out imdexton and mrflimflam

James: 4 members remaining in each team

James: Jayingee takes out Danganronpa134422k

James: Then farmberoy448 takes out Jayingee

James: Farmerboy448 got taken out by Tygbg123

Tygbg123: Nice

Farmerboy448: Come on

James now 6 people are still in

James: Javesanddenis tries to take out Mossy but Mossy grabs the ball

Mossy112345: Oh my gosh

James: Okeeda Takes out Mossy

Okeeda: Oh yeah

Mossy112345: are you kidding me

James: Jacesgames333 takes out Okeeda

James: Its now 4 people still in

James: Okeeda Takes out Danganronpa134422k

Danganronpa134422k: CMON

James: Tygbg123 got out of the challenge after jacesgames333 hitted him

Tygbg123: Oh my gosh

James: Jacesgames333 Takes out okeeda meaning Jacesgames333 made the Ho lor win the Challenge

Jacesgames333: OH YEAH

Okeeda: are you kidding me

James: Ho lor hamburgers, fries and soft drinks at your hotel

Danganronpa134422k: Ah yes

YT_KalebPlayz: What a delight

James: Ho Lephant see you in the elimation tonight

Night 7

Ho lephant's hotel

Mrflimflam (Confessional): This sucks Well anyway dexton is out

Jayingee: Oh my gosh missed out in a meal

Javesanddenis: Oh my gosh

Ho lor's hotel


Farmerboy448: Oh yeah we won we won oh yeah

Danganronap134422k: All right


James: Welcome to your 3rd elimation ho lehpant what a loss

Mrflimflam: *sigh* it just sucks as heck we messed up

Okeeda: I am sorry guys

Javesanddenis: its not your fault okeeda

Imdexton: Oh boi

James: it's time to vote

Voting time

Imdexton (whisper): Mrflimflam yeah man i am such a villian bro...

Mrflimflam (whisper): Imdexton i know your insulting me in the voting

James: i have gotten the votes

James: the 1st vote Mrflimflam
2nd vote Imdexton
3rd vote imdexton
that's 2 votes dexton
4th vote mrflimflam
that's 2 votes flamingo
5th vote Dexton
That's 3 votes dexton
the third person voted off roblox outlasted elephant hotel is....

James: Imdexton the team has spoken

Imdexton: Goodbye guys

Javesanddenis: Goodbye Dexton

Day 8

Ho lor's hotel

Danganronpa134422k: Bye bye kaleb

Farmerboy448: Goodbye kaleb

YT_KalebPlayz: Oh my gosh

Mossy112345: Bye bye Kaleb

Ho lephant's hotel

Javesanddenis (confessional): Mrflimflam you did last night will bite the dust for you

Mrflimflam (confessional): Ah so relax i am safe yesterday so no worries for this day either

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