"Kaia?" Hoseok was there,, too? When did he-

"Kaia?" Jungkook asked again, her silence and paleness scaring him.

"I-I'm okay." Kaia nodded, swallowing as she pulled her arms away from Jungkook. Hoseok handed her her glasses that apparently fell off during her tumble to the ground. "Thank you." Kaia looked over at the first man, him arguing with Jin. "Sir!"

The two men immediately looked over at her, but it was the man in charge Kaia was staring at. "Yes, Kaia?"

"We're done." Kaia picked up Jeju's leash. "Thank you very much for training this dog. He is amazing. Have a good day."

"Wait." The man grabbed the leash, yanking her back. Jeju growled, not caring if this man was his trainer. He never liked him. "Jeju," The man knelt in front of him. "Listen to me." The man grabbed Jeju's jaw, keeping his mouth shut, pulling his face down so his eyes looked up at him. "You keep this girl safe, understand?" Jeju, of course, didn't say anything in response, simply staring at his trainer. "No mistakes." The man let go of his hand and hit the side of Jeju's head, Jeju getting hit hard.

"That's enough!" Kaia pulled Jeju away from him, her angry stare not intimidating the man. "I said enough!" Kaia turned around, sending one last glare at the man as she walked to the door. She took long strides to the car, ignoring the boys trying to keep up with her, Jeju following loyally.

He never got attached to his trainers. That man was actually his eighth trainer. They alternated trainers every so often so Jeju never formed a bond. He was meant to form a bond with whoever paid the most money for him. And right now, that was this girl.

"Kaia," Hoseok jogged to her, Kaia stopping at the car. "Take a deep breath. Ar-"

"I'm fine." Kaia said, sounding a lot more calm than any of the boys expected. "Can I go home, please? I'm done with today." She smiled, trying to remain professional. "I need to shower and get used to my new apartment and dog, apparently." Kaia looked down at Jeju, Jeju staring at the moon. He's never seen the moon shine so bright before. "So please, can you drive me home?"

Hoseok nodded quickly, opening the door for her.

"Thank you." She got in the car, Jungkook getting in on the other side. "Come on Jeju." Kaia moved her legs out of his way, the German Shepherd immediately hopping inside the car.

They were all silent in the car as Hoseok started it, getting ready to leave. Then Jungkook mumbled something.

"We should've brought the bat."

Kaia snorted.


"Yep, this is the address." Kaia opened the door, letting Jeju get out first. "Thank you." She waved. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." She closed the door, walking up to her apartment complex, her heart pounding in her chest. 'Geez I hope this is the place.'

"Does this place look crappy to you?" Jin squinted at the complex, trying to guess what the cost of it would be.

"Nah." Jungkook was on his phone now. "Bang wouldn't shove her in a shitty place. Especially if she's a kid and living by herself."

"Should I go walk her to her room?" Hoseok asked, not leaving. "Or do you think she's fine?"

"She's got Jeju." Jungkook waved his hand, turning off his phone, going back to the real world. "She's fine."

"Alright." Jin sighed, agreeing with the maknae. "Let's go."
"Tada." Kaia mumbled, unlocking and opening the door for her and Jeju. "Here's our home, Jeju."

Jeju sniffed around, staying still until Kaia unhooked his leash, giving him permission to roam around. 'This place smells gross.'

Kaia swallowed as she looked around. It definitely wasn't perfect. It was just a giant room, this apartment. When you first walked in, there was a small blocked off area to the left, that being the bathroom. Kaia opened the door and saw there was only a toilet in there, the room just slightly bigger than that of an airplane's.

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