chapter one

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"You fired Sejin??" Jungkook frowned, in complete shock. The rest of BTS around the table had a similar expression on their faces, having a difficult time believing Bang.

"No, he turned in his letter of resignation." Bang corrected, getting blank and confused stares. "I know this is sudden and with horrible timing-"

"Are we seriously getting a new manager?" Jimin blurted out, unable to hold himself back. "Sejin has been with us since the beginning!! We have so much more time before the military! Why can't he stay with us until then?"

"Because that's not how it works, Jimin." Bang smiled apologetically, Namjoon crossing his arms. "Sejin is moving to Busan with his wife. She's expecting twins and they wanted to be closer to her parents during this. He wants to be home with his family. It is completely understandable."

"I think we understand better now." Namjoon held up his hand before Jimin could protest anymore. "Family always comes first."

Jimin slouched in his chair.

"So, we'll be getting a new manager?" Jin spoke up, wanting to get to the point of this. "Do you have someone picked out? A group of potentials?"

"I.. do." Bang had trouble speaking all of a sudden. He shifted in his seat, swallowing. "But, I don't believe you will quite like my decision."

Taehyung glanced to the side, no one saying anything. And quite honestly, it sounded like Bang didn't want to say it either. "It can't be that bad, can it?" Taehyung tried smiling, but it looked and felt forced. "What? Did you hire an 80-year old man or something? We can push a wheelchair around, we don't mind."

Bang smiled, glad he was keeping the mood light. "Quite the opposite, actually." Bang took a deep breath, closing his mind for a moment. "Your new manager will be a teenage girl. A sixteen year old."

Something broke inside of Hoseok. Something that was once very sturdy. Something that finally tipped him over.

"No." Hoseok immediately replied. "Absolutely not."

Bang folded his hands, expecting this response. But not from Hoseok. "Hoseok-"

"Bang, she's a kid." Hoseok leaned forward, not going to just let this fly over. "The same age as when Jungkook joined this company. It's too young."

"I understand, but this situation is different." Bang explained, squeezing his fingers together tighter. "She's the daughter of an old friend of mine. She's really passionate about the music industry and-"

"Bang." Yoongi interrupted, eyes piercing through Bang's already crumbling composure. "A child. She's a child. And that is all to that statement."

"This is a job for an adult." Jin said much more gently, relaxed in his seat. "She's still in high school. She isn't even in college." Jin took a deep breath, letting this settle with everyone. "We are BTS. An international phenomenon. How is a 16 year old supposed to manage us?"

Bang looked down, everything going exactly how he expected.

He hated it.

"I owed her mother a favor." Bang looked up, sitting up more. "My decision is final. She'll be arriving in two days."

Hoseok stormed out of the room, letting the door hang open as he shoved the stairwell door open. Everyone was stiff, staring at Hoseok's empty chair or the floor in front of them. Jimin slowly got up, smiling nervously.

"I'll go get him."

Bang sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to remind himself that it would be okay. "You guys can have the rest of the day off. I-" The members stood up and exited before Bang could even finish, pissed off they had no say in this matter. Bang watched them go, his eyes finally landing on Namjoon.

teddy bearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora