Now I Know Your Name but not Who You Are

Start from the beginning

"Hey," Bumi's voice made her jump.

"Fuck, Bumi, I could've fallen off the roof!" Kya whisper yelled.

Bumi laughed quietly. "Mind if I join you?" He said before climbing out of the window.

Kya handed the joint to him.

They sat with each other, handing the joint back and forth until it was too small to hold without burning their fingertips.

Lin drove down the road in her squad car. It was the middle of the day, and she had just gotten off her lunch break.

"Calling all units. Property reported stolen on the corner of 5th and Harbor. The suspect's vehicle headed on Hallow Boulevard. Units responding, identify." Lin's radio went off.

Lin was on Hallow Boulevard.

She picked up the radio. "Unit three responding."

The car drove straight passed her, so Lin quickly turned around, and turned her lights on.

She sped up next to them, and attempted to get them to pull over, but instead, they rammed their car into Lins and kept driving.

She followed and did the same to them, causing them to steer off the road and crash into a nearby fruit stand.

Two boys run out from the back and try to get away, but backup stopped them before they got too far.

As Lin started walking toward the two boys to arrest them, a voice calling out made her stop.

"Leave them alone!"

Lin turned around and her eyes widened in horror and shock.


Suyin was getting out of the driver's seat of the wrecked car.

She looked down at the ground and then back up at her older sister with a scowl.

"So, you're robbing stores with the Terra Triad now?" Lin said angrily.

"I didn't steal anything. I just drove the car. I owed my friends and favor, it's not a big deal!" Suyin threw her arms out.

"I'm not letting you get away with this." Lin gripped the cables at her hips.

"Oh, what are you gonna do, Officer? Arrest me?" Suyin said sarcastically then she started to walk away.

"Don't even think about taking one more step!" Lin yelled.

Suyin stopped, but only for a second before she ignored her sister and kept walking.

Lin clenched her jaw, then tossed one of the cables towards Su.

It wrapped around her wrist and stopped Su dead in her tracks.

Suyin looked back as Lin pulled on the cables.

Su furrowed her brows in anger, before pulling out a knife with her free hand and cutting the cables without hesitation.

The force of Lin pulling on the cable caused it to snap back at her...

And Suyin was horrified at the sound of her sister's screams, and the gashes across her face.

Lin barged into the Air Temple without even knocking. "Katara!" Katara could help. Katara was a doctor. Everything would be fine.

"Katara!" She yelled louder.

A door opened from upstairs. "Lin? No one's here. Is everything okay?"

It was Kya.

Lin's breath hitched when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. She rushed across the living room and went into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

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