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               Moving sucks.

My name is Oliver, and my dad decided to move the day after my birthday. You could guess how I felt about leaving all my friends behind, but it's not my choice. The new neighborhood we're going to live in is super shady, in both ways, even the name was Shady Street. How exciting.

As we were driving down the road, the whole street was almost covered in a shadow, the only light was from our headlights. It was surprisingly dark, even though it was only around twelve o'clock, and it had its own creepy vibe to it.

My dad pulled into the driveway, and I grabbed my backpack and opened the car door. I felt a rush of chilled air sink into my bones, even though I was wearing a hoodie, and a horrible scent that made me want to throw up. As I stared upon the house, I took in the details:

It was a two story house, unlike one I've ever seen. It looked like it came straight out of a horror movie, as did the whole neighborhood. I stepped inside our new house, hoping it would look better on the inside. But to no avail, it was even worse. The floorboards looked half-rotten, the windows were covered in a thin film, and the paint on the walls and ceiling were peeling.

I decided the first thing I was going to do was unpack and go right to sleep, and that's exactly what I did.

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