Vol. 1 Chapter 12.2 - How to deal with a stalker 101

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"Well I will be taking my leave now, good luck with marking all those tests."

"Indeed, goodbye."

Me and Koenji then left.

"Hey Koenji, I'm guessing you can already tell, but do you notice something?"

"Yeah, it is that purple haired girl from class A, Kamuro Masumi. She has been following the both of us for quite a while, especially you in particular."

"Indeed, she certainly is a nuisance. To think that Sakayanagi-san has been making her move for quite a while now."

"At first I thought the both of us happened to have an enthusiastic fan, a true appreciator of our beauty and craft, but then that other class A boy also started as well, and is even more skilled than her at stalking."

So he noticed Hashimoto. Is that why he left early during the peace talks with class B?

"Well, I guess it is time for us to go on our dates then."

"Of course, of course! And make sure you use 'that' strategy I taught you. I will be enthusiastically watching this beautiful encounter." Koenji then laughed.

We then made it look like we split away. In reality, Koenji then started following Kamuro behind her, and Kamuro was sure enough, following me again.

I was walking to the designated area. It looks like Kamuro is still on my tail, except she is making a call now. She must be contacting Sakayanagi about the fact that Koenji and I visited the teachers office.

I wonder if I can freak her out. Time to do some trolling.

I hid around a corner and waited for 30 seconds. When I heard footsteps coming closer, I immediately turned around the corner.

She got caught off guard and looked surprised a little, before quickly recollecting herself. I made sure not to give her any eye contact, and looked straight ahead. I then continued to walk towards the same direction as if she wasn't there.

After a minute, I used my phone to see if she was behind me and took a picture. Sure enough on my phone she was.

I then hid around another corner. This time, I waited for 45 seconds before I heard footsteps coming closer. I then immediately turned around the corner.

She got caught off guard once again, and looked even more surprised. This time, I was looking at my phone, not looking at her whatsoever. I made sure to continue walking in the same direction while looking at my text history with Satou. I made sure that she saw that I was on the messaging app, while not giving the impression that I wanted her to see it. I took another photo after another minute, and sure enough she was on my tail again.

I then hid around that same corner I hid at the first time. Now this time, I waited for a minute. When I heard footsteps, I timed a call with Satou. When she turned around the corner, I made sure that I would be looking straight at her as though she went into my line of sight. I looked straight at her for a couple of seconds with my phone to my ear and said hello.

"...What do you want?" She said. She had been caught off guard once again, and is now thinking she has been caught.

"Yes, I'll be sure to get to Keyaki mall right away. I have finished up with talking to the teachers about something. Anyways, how were the exams?"

I was actually calling Satou and made it seem like I was saying hello to Kamuro. I made sure to give the impression that she misunderstood. 

I am not particularly good at faking a call so I had to call Satou instead of making a convincing performance. I then walked past her, as if she wasn't even there to begin with, just like last time.

COTE: Koenji What ifWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt