216: Demons of Bourbon Street

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"But this one was definitely today," Cami looked sick, "The footage wouldn't be some coincidental swipe and feed."

"Which unintentionally clears your main suspect," Klaus's tone was unclear.

Cami crossed her arms, "Meaning?"

"Lucien just made me his alibi," MJ muttered.

"Um," Pri appeared in a rush of air, "What?"

A beat.

"I was talking to one of the officers," Pri answered the unasked question, "Lucien?"

"He's been with me for the past hour."

Vincent almost laughed, "Dragging you back into Kinney's firing line."

"And forcing us to work together and match our stories, or he could frame me."

"Incorrect," Klaus stopped, "We simply compel the detective."

"And every other officer on the case? And news outlets? And potential family members of victims?" Cami countered, "You compelled me for months, and I still figured you all out."

"Most people are not you."

An awkward pause.

Cami shifted, furrowing her eyebrows in an effort to remain tense, deliberately not letting her eyes jump to Vincent's tired and irritated expression.

"The next load of triangle points are covered," Pri killed the silence, "I'll start staking them out if that's what I have to do to prove Lucien did this."

"He was with Mira," Klaus repeated.

"Doesn't mean he's not behind it," MJ pointed out, "For all we know, he's compelling someone. Or a vampire is sired to him. Or, he's just got teammates covering his back."

"Why would he?" Klaus pointed out, "He needs to feed. Murders make that harder."

"You old ones never care about that," MJ mused, "And he supposedly has a witch, right?"

The prophecy Klaus had thrown into the air out of nowhere.

"He has a food source, and he knows the restrictions Marcel will put in place to keep vampires hidden will piss people off. Leaving them open to him as a new leader."

"Perhaps," Klaus's voice was distant.

Cami and MJ looked at each other again.

A longer, less awkward pause.

"You should kill him," Vincent said it.

"You can't execute someone without, you know," Cami was pale, "Due process."

Klaus's eyebrows went up, "Are we really going to have a legal debate about this?"

"I could've gotten more out of him," MJ shook her head, "As much as I'm Team 'Murder Him,' we need to get him chained up in the basement. Deal with the magic on his head and any vervain in his system."

"Bleed him of vervain," Pri agreed, "We get answers. Someone guts him, possibly me, possibly Kol, possibly you."

"Unless he is proven to be innocent," MJ doubted it, "In which, we either make him forget we ever doubted him. Or hope he gets where we were coming from because he's a reasonable guy."

Klaus didn't respond.

Creating another confused exchange of looks, Klaus was initially irritated with everyone morphing into something they didn't entirely understand.

"He's the first sire," MJ filled Vincent and Cami in.

The second of that list automatically shaking her head, "Klaus – "

Lights Flicker And Fade : Kol Mikaelson [3]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon