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Aahana's point of view

After last night's breakdown, I made up my mind and broke all the expectations from Izhaan. Izhaan had moved on in his life and I should too. My day in the office went well I did my job and now I was about to go home. I was checking my phone which was on silent up until now all the while heading towards the lift. There were 2 missed calls from Nani also 1 message. Entered the lift simultaneously opening the message. I did not realize it at first but, Izhaan was also in the lift along with a few other employees, ignoring him I read the message. 'come home princess' 'princess' the term reminds me of Raima ma. She dotingly used to call me that. When Izhaan used to get emotional he used the same endearment. "Don't think of it Aahana" I reminded myself. As we reached the ground floor, I headed towards the parking where my pre-booked cab is supposed to arrive in couple mins. I waited for more than that and tried to contact the driver. but the call did not go through. With every passing second, the crowd in the parking was getting dispersed. Izhaan's car came towards me, dropping his windscreen he asked me to get in. "Ummm what?" I was too numb to realize that I was already sitting in his car when I asked him the question. "your address?" he asked me again. I looked around if someone could see me. "it's tinted no one will see" I saw his tinted windows, a bit relieved about them. "Ahan your address?" this was probably the third time he asked. my address! should I give him? I was pondering over it. "Ahan are you giving it to me or shall we go to my place?" he asked in annoyance. "your place...I mean I want to meet Naani" giving a nod he started driving. I immediately replied to Naani's text and informed her of my visit. Putting on my earphone I listened to all sorts of songs, I could feel his piercing gazes on me every now and then but I never looked back. Nani was merrily surprised to see us together on the threshold. but her moment was short-lived. As she heard the silence that was third wheeling. dinner was not yet ready, Izhaan went for a change of clothes. While Nani guided me towards the couch. "Nani, I know you want me and Izhaan to resolve our issues but I did give the try, but now I give up, and you should too." I tried to make her understand. Her meek voice could only mumble three words. "how can I?" ... "if you cannot then I have to, this would be the last time I will be entering this house." I might have said it in a bit of a tone that did not go well with her.

"how just you are! I agree Izhaan is doing wrong with you, you have the right to be angry. But What is my fault in this? why are you cutting ties with me? Is Izhaan the only link between us? do I have no right on you?" Nani bombarded one question after the other. I was being self-centred and went too harsh on her. She is right what is her fault? I went near her and took her nurturing hands in mine and apologized. At dinner, Naani and I again started chatting nonstop. While Izhaan again was simply sitting like a glacier. As usual, after dinner, Rahim Baba (chauffeur) walked with me to my doorstep and left. a few minutes later I heard a knock. while I took a moment in checking the time the knocking sound turned into thunders. I hurried and opened the door there he was standing on my doorstep. Along with Rahim Baba. His knocking might have gathered the attention of the people who sleep in the corridor as they were also standing near my door. He asked Rahim Baba to leave. And entered my kholi. I closed the door not giving a chance for them to sight the drama that was about to take place. Izhaan was scanning every inch of the room. "why are you here?" I asked him. "I should be the one asking that question." He stated. He was still scanning the house. Then he went towards the cupboard and brought out the suitcase and started filling it with my stuff. "what are you doing?" I asked in amazement. "can't you see I am taking you to our home." "I don't need your charity; this is my home" Izhaan threw the clothes he had in his hand and walked towards me. "charity? Do you really think I am taking you home as charity" he was giving me death stares, with those questions? 'is it a charity?' I asked myself. Who am I lying to! It was anything but charity. His eyes reflect genuine concerns. "I know you are angry with me; I don't know if you consider me a friend or not?" I immediately replied with "no, you lost the right to be called a friend" taking a deep breath he said, "alright, not a friend now but you are my family if you have forgotten then let me remind you, it was my mother who raised us together." The more he was speaking the more wrong he sounds. "why now Izhaan, just because you got to know I stay here and not in some fancy place. Now you remember that Raima ma thought us to be each other's family. where were you all these days, I am not questioning you on how you left me alone in Lucknow, but where were you when I came to Mumbai? why today?" he took a moment to reply, "I agree I am wrong no amount of justification can justify it. but look at me I am here standing in front of you, begging you to come home if not for me then for Nani, if not her then for Ma, for your parents who wanted you to live in a good society with a comfortable lifestyle"

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should Aahana go to Izhaan's home?

was it a charity?

is Aahana being unreasonable?

Why did Izhaan took so much of time?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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