Weird Girl
I wouldn't say fantasised.

Bird Boy

Weird Girl

Bird Boy
Then yes I think you're gay.
Why do you ask?
Oh my God does Wanda have
a girl crush!

Wanda rolled her eyes and stuffed her phone into her jeans pocket before any more teasing could come from Clint. She noticed she was at her front porch. She opened the door and walked right up to her bedroom, ignoring her brother yelling to greet her.

Once she was sure she'd be left alone, she stripped into her underwear and grabbed her laptop.

She typed the website in the search bar and clicked search. What flooded her vision shocked her, but at the same time she knew it might help with her discovery to whether she is actually attracted to women or not.

She fiddled with the straps of her bra and let out a sigh. She was about to click on the first link when her door came flying open. She quickly shut her laptop and covered herself with her hands.

"What the hell are you doing?" Pietro asked as he casually walked into his sister's room. She ignored his question, "Are you watching porn?" he asked. A blush filled her face. "No, get out.".

He seemed a little taken aback by her bluntness. With a glare, he left the room and closed the door behind him. Wanda opened up her laptop again and clicked on the site before anyone could stop her again.

The next day came around fairly quickly. Wanda got all jittery and excited as she waited for the redhead to knock on her door. As time passed she grew impatient, so she decided on texting Nat. Just as she was about to hit the send button, the doorbell went off. She ran downstairs and to the front door.

Once she opened it, her smile only got wider. There stood Natasha in matching sweats with a bouquet of red roses in her hands. "Ma always said to never come empty-handed." she chuckled and handed the flowers to Wanda. The other girl happily took them and blushed slightly at the gift, "Come in.".

Natasha looked hesitant,"Pietro?", "He left with my parents to some football game a couple of hours ago.".

With that, Natasha walked in a little more calmed. Wanda put the flowers in a vase and took it up to her room, while Natasha got comfortable in the family lounge. She got the list out and let herself sink into the couch as she waited for her friend.

Wanda fixed herself before joining Natasha on the couch.

"Okay so before we start I need to talk to you."

Natasha nodded and focussed all her attention on Wanda.

"Um so there's this girl I've been talking to for a while and over that time I think I've developed feelings for her. I didn't know if I was actually attracted to girls or not so I went online and-" she got cut off by Natasha. "Did you watch lesbian porn?" she asks with a slight smirk. Wanda's face went pink and she vigorously shook her head. "No! I did an 'Am I Gay' quiz online. I've never watched that stuff, what the fuck Nat." she rushed out as she wet her mind on something that wasn't lesbian porn.

Natasha burst out laughing,"Wait, do you think those are actually accurate?" Wanda nodded in response, confused by her reaction.

"Oh Wands, those things make decisions based of what society thinks is gay." Natasha explained as she calmed down. "So what? Are my feelings for this girl imaginary?" Wanda asked, and Natasha started laughing again. "I highly doubt you're straight, but if it works for you, I can help you if you'd like." Natasha offered in a suggesting tone, a smirk on her lips as well.

Wanda nodded, clearly not understanding what Natasha meant.

The shorter girl moved herself, so she was straddling Wanda. At this point Wanda didn't know what to do, so she just sat and accepted it. "Can I kiss you?" Natasha asked in a low voice, Wanda nodded.

Natasha wrapped her hands around Wanda's neck and pulled her in. At first, it was just a really uncomfortable and confusing action for Wanda, but she soon gained her confidence and comfort when Natasha guided her hands and let them settle on her waist. Before she could get too lost in the kiss, she pulled back.

"I think I like girls." Wanda stated as she attempted to catch her breath. Natasha let out a chuckle, "You think or know?". Wanda rapidly nodded and pulled the redhead back into the kiss. "Want to take this upstairs?" Natasha whispered against Wanda's lips. Again, the girl nodded.

Natasha got off Wanda's lap and pulled her along towards the staircase. As they were walking up, the front door opened.

"What the fuck is going on!"

1450 words
Part 3 will come!
Sorry about any spelling mistakes

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