Stag Do

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Wanda's POV:

"No Pietro, I don't want to!" I argue with my brother, "Why not sis?" he asks.

"I don't know how I feel about going to a strip club is all!" I state and walk into my room with him following my behind me.

"Please, it's my bachelor party, I want my sister and best friend there." he said, "I understand that, but isn't the tradition only men?" I point out while moving to sit on my bed, he pauses for a second before replying.

"Well yes, but it doesn't have to be traditional" he reasons. "Does Crystalia even know about the strip club?" I ask. He nods me comes to sit next to me.

"She knows and she wants you there, mainly cause we haven't gotten to spend as much time together ever since I proposed but also to keep an eye on me." he explains. I grab his head and bring it down to my lap to lock it in-between my arm and ruffle his silver hair,"If she approves, then fine.".

He pushes out of my grip and tackles me in a hug causing us to fall off the bed. "Warn a girl next time?" I laugh and feel him nod into my shoulder.

He lets go of me and stand up, patting himself down before holding a hand out for me. I stand up and see him looking at me with a smirk.

"The hell are you smirking about?" I ask, he chuckles and says,"You love me sister."

"Nope, I hate you." I reply and see his smirk drop.

"Twins can't hate each other." He whines.

"Phoebe hates Ursula" I argue. He squints at me and sends me a questioning look.

"From the sitcom Friends you dipshit." I say and smack the back of his head.

"Anyways, we leave in an hour, a limo is coming to pick us up and I don't think there will be any male strippers." he says, I nod and ask," Who's all going to be there?"

"Steve, Tony, Bruce, T'challa, Bucky, Stephen, Sam and you." he lists off," I'll leave you be, and don't come in your sweats please? Maybe you can finally get a boyfriend." He says and leaves, closing the door behind him.

I show both middle fingers to the door as soon as it closes and go to my bathroom to prepare a shower.

When the water finally heats up, I strip my clothes off and walking into the shower starting to wash my body down.

Going to this pre-wedding celebration was something I really did want to do,that was until I found out Sam, Pietro's best man, arranged for the night to end of with a bunch of half naked women.

It's not that I have a problem with strippers, because I don't. I'd always thought I liked men but I've come to the recent discovery that I'm attracted to women in a sexual and romantic way, I don't know Pietro would take that.

We grew up in a very religious home, it wasn't Christian but not all Roma people are that accepting of same-sex relationships. My parents surely aren't and I don't know how Pietro would feel about it either.

My best friend Carol told me that I shouldn't care, that nobody controls me and as weird as it sound, she directly said,"If you want pussy, go get pussy.". As vulgar as she can be, she isn't lying but Pietro is my brother and his opinion matters to me.

I spent a around 30 minutes in the shower so I decide it's time to get out before I start to prune. I reach for the towel I hung over the shower door and wrap it around my body. I brush my teeth and apply some skin care products.

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