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Request: Yep (Anon)

No One's POV:

It was just over a year after final battle against Thanos. Clint threw himself off the mountain on Vormir. Tony died from the snap to finally kill Thanos and Steve passed away because he went back in time to put the stones back and decided to stay there so he could have his happy ending.

Nobody ever really recovered from that, but could you blame them? In less than a week they lost 3 of their family members, 3 of the original 6.

Though it was a hard time for everyone, good things have happened over throughout the year.

Natasha and Wanda finally got married.

Peter got into college.

Morgan wants to be a mini Tony.

Yelena, Natasha's sister decided it was best to be closer to her so she now lives with the couple.

Sam became the new Captain America.

And they came across a new friend: Kate Bishop.

She was only in her 20's but she's got what it takes. Natasha came across her when she was in New York. The Russian's mission was to retrieve her friend's watch, but Kate got involved and now Natasha couldn't imagine her life without the woman. She also liked keeping her around because she reminded her of her best friend but the only other person to know this is her wife, Wanda.

Natasha, Wanda, Yelena and Kate are now at the Barton residence for a few days to see the family. They all needed it.

Natasha's POV:

We're spending the week at the Barton's house. Laura is still healing from Clint's death, and so am I.

So we decided best to come over, maybe help her around with the kids for a bit. I like seeing me niece and nephews anyway.

I'm sat on the porch, my wife cuddling into my side as we sip on our coffee. "Baby, do you think there's something going on between Kate and Lena?" she asked me. "I don't think so, why?" "I don't know, they're just so shy when they're together." She explained.

We both looked towards my sister and the archer, they were playing with the kids. Something I didn't know Yelena had in her.

"Well I don't know, maybe we talk to them at dinner, after the kids leave?" I suggested, receiving a nod from the woman next to me. "But it has to be subtle" she said. I have an idea. Our personal mission.


The sun was setting and everyone was coming back inside to have dinner, which Wanda and Laura happily made for us.

I was sat inbetween Wanda and Lila, Kate squished between Yelena and Nate, while Cooper and Laura sat on the ends.

Throughout the meal I had noticed the two stealing glances at each other, I don't think they saw me though.

Once we finished, I leaned over to Lila and whispered, "Why don't you take your brothers to the living room and watch a movie?" she looked up at me and nodded. "Wait is this about Yelena and Kate?" "Smart kid. But yes, yes it is". With that she got up and ordered her siblings to the other room for a comedy.

"So Lena and Kate, why don't you guys clean up here? Tasha, Laura and I have to go down to the market" my wife said, she read my mind. Not literally. This received a skeptical looks from the other three women but once I shook my head towards my best friend's wife she understood what was happening.

"Yeah, we really need to get some more meat" Laura said.

"Okay sure, I'm sure we can handle it" Kate said as she gathered all the plates on the table. Yelena watched her every movement.

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