Head Canons!

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1) Nat likes softly and randomly biting Wanda's boobs if she's close to them. Doesn't matter if they're in public or not.

2) Nat can cook but she intentionally messes up so Wanda will help her.

3) They would start watching a show together and finish it together. No excuses.

4) When Natasha falls asleep before Wanda does, she'd take her phone out and take selfies of her and Nat then make it her Home Screen.

5) Nat secretly sneaks sleeping pictures of Wanda as well.

6) They both often try and find clues together about whether Steve and Bucky are gay for each other or not.

7) Wanda doesn't like gory things so whenever they watch Grey's Anatomy together, Nat will sit behind her and cover her eyes every time blood shows on screen.

8) Natasha's a classic rock fan but after months of being forced to listen to it by her girlfriend, she got into Pop and Indie music. She won't say that's true though.

9) Nat gave Wanda an elephant teddy bear when she first arrived at the compound and if they don't sleep together, the teddy replaces Nat for the night.

10) They both want tattoos at some point so they would strip into their underwear and draw little doodles on each other's body until then.

11) Wanda forces Nat to lay down so she can apply an insane amount of eyeliner on her.

12) They call Clint weekly and let him in on the team gossip.

13) Though she hasn't seen it, Wanda listens to Nat ramble about the show Stranger things and how Nancy should leave Steve and Jonathan alone for Robin.

14) They talk about what they want their future to look like whenever neither of them can sleep.

15) Some members of the team aren't 100% okay with PDA, so out of respect, they make red and pink paper hearts and give it to each other whenever they want to show each other affection in front of said team members.

16) When they did eventually get tattoos, Nat only got outlined tattoos so that whenever Wanda is sad or upset, Nat let's her use makeup/washable colour markers to "make them look prettier".

17) Every week Wanda writes a poem and gives them to Nat.

18) Whenever Nat sees a Funko Pop, she'll call Wanda so she know's if she needs to buy it for her collection.

19) Wanda tells everyone she has to bend down to kiss her girlfriend even after Nat threatens to make her sleep on the couch.

20) When Wanda is forced onto the couch, Nat picks her up and brings her back to bed once she's asleep.

21) They always having coordinating costumes during Halloween. Example: Bonnie and Clyde, Lexa and Clarke, Santana and Brittany, Catra and Adora, and Violet and Corky.

22) Every New Years countdown is spent with sound blocking headphones because fireworks scare Wanda sometimes.

23) They like acting out scenes from shows and movies when nobody is around.

24) When they're intimate, checking every few minutes if the other is okay, is an absolute must for them.

25) Wanda loves posting Nat on all her social media accounts. Natasha's are private accounts but she posts Wanda all the time as well.


I just thought of these.

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