Happy Mother's Day

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Wanda's POV:
I woke up feeling excited about the day. It was Mother's Day, mine and Tasha's first Mother's Day.

See, I had just given birth about three months before a beautiful baby girl named Arya... Nat loves her Game of Thrones. Anyway, I decided to wake up a little earlier to feed her and make sure she's ready for when I woke Nat up. I had gotten our girl a little 'I love my mommies' onesie and a Polaroid camera purely for the joy that I would see from her.

I got out of bed slowly to make sure I didn't wake my wife up. Once I was sure she'd be out, I left the door and happily walked to our baby's nursery a room over.

As soon as I opened the door I saw her little body get excited.

"Hello baby." I greeted her as I walked over to her cot.

As soon as she could fully see me, she started squealing and making grabbing hands towards me. I picked her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Mommy missed you too honey." I chuckled. I grabbed a burping towel and sat in the rocking chair to feed her.

When she noticed I was taking my top off, she began squealing even louder than she did when she first saw me.

I chuckled and closed the door using my powers, so she wouldn't wake Tasha up.

Once my shirt was off, I guided her and she latched onto my nipple a little too fast. I hissed at the pain but let her continue because she seemed content as she ate.

We sat like that for a good ten minutes, we switched and once she decided she was full she let go and tried to pull at my ears.

I put her down in the bassinet next to the chair and fixed my shirt.

I picked her up and took her to the changing table so I could change her, wash her and get her into the little onesie and shoes. I put her in her little carry chair, grabbed the Polaroid and left the room to go downstairs.

Once we entered the kitchen, I set her down on the counter and our kitten Liho decided to sit on top of her inside the chair. I took a picture of it and waited for the picture to print. Once the image was clear on the film, I grabbed a magnet off the fridge and stuck it there.

When I looked back at the two, Arya was softly petting Liho, I was happy with what I saw so I got started on making Nat breakfast in bed.

I decided on a bacon and cheese omelette for her.

Just as I finished the meal, I heard footsteps come from the staircase. I groaned, knowing the entire surprised was ruined.

"Babe?" I heard her call out. "In the kitchen." I replied sighing.

I switched the stove off and plated it for her with a knife and a fork. I turned around with a small smile on my face, hoping to mask my disappointment.

"What's wrong?" she asked, wrapping her arms around my waist. I rested my her on her shoulder,"I had a whole surprise for you!" I whined loudly, catching the attention of our little girl.

As soon as she saw her mama, she pushed Liho off her and began squealing again. The kitten softly pawed at her feet, it's her way of scolding someone.

Nat instantly let go of me and began unbuckling our baby for morning cuddles. "Well hello there princess." she cooed as she picked her up.

Arya put her hands on either side of Nat's face and left her slobbery version of a kiss on her forehead.

Tasha sat down with Arya in her lap and I pushed the omelette over to her.

She happily ate it and thanked me afterwards.I cleaned up and watched as she played peekaboo with our little girl. Her sweet giggles filled the kitchen every few seconds when her mama would reveal her face.

I noticed that Nat didn't realise the wording on Arya's onesie so the surprise could still work.
I remember something I had gotten printed and framed a few weeks ago.

I quickly left the kitchen and found the wrapped gift and card I had the team sign inside a drawer in the living room.

I hid it behind my back as I walked back into the kitchen. I got the Polaroid read at hand and smiled sweetly at the sight of my wife so enamored by her biological child. When we found out it was hers she sobbed for a good three hours. I guess magic books aren't useless for good people.

"Hey Babe. Could you read what's on Arya's onesie?" I asked. She looked a little confused but held her up anyways. It was actually quite funny, it looked like a remake of Rafiki holding baby Simba up.

Arya kept kicking her legs so it was hard for Nat to actually read her onesie.

Once she got it in place, she let out a loud gasp and thankfully I got the picture.

"Honey...when did you get this." she sniffled. "About a week ago, Yel helped me look for it." I smiled.

While she was staring at the onesie, I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist as she looks at our baby girl who's shaking of excitement at the sight of us both.

"I have one more gift for you." I whispered and kiss her cheek.

She instantly took Arya to her chest and turned her head towards me. I moved to stand in front of her and took the items out from behind my back.

She looked at me weirdly.

I put the items wrapped gift and card down on the table, took Arya from her, and she instantly began playing with my ear lobes. "Open the gift first."

She lifted it up and began peeling the wrapping off. The frame slowly started to show, this confused her even more.

To my luck, she opened it backward so she didn't see the photo but as soon as she turned it around, tears began falling from her eyes in a steady stream.

It's a picture of the first time she ever held Arya. She was tired, she looks exhausted but she had her newborn baby in her arms so the world was perfect to her. Her smile was so wide and even in the picture, you could see her crying.

She looked up at me with teary eyes, and I nodded towards the card.

She picked it up, opened it and began reading the sweet wishes the team had sent us for Mother's Day.

She sniffled as she put the card down.

"It's Mother's Day." she whispered and I nodded.

"You're a mother, my love, why are you crying?" I asked. "Because I am a mother." she says, putting emphasis on the 'I am' and 'mother'.

I readjusted Arya in my arms and brought my wife in for a loving family hug.

She started sobbing into my shoulder, Arya did her best to push at her mom's face. When she got Nat's attention, she placed a slobbery kiss on her nose.

Tasha smiled and kissed her nose back.

She pulled away from Arya and placed a kiss on my forehead. The baby stared whining and we looked down at her. She did her best to purse her lips into a kiss like way and Nat wiped some tears away and bent down so Arya's lips could touch her forehead.

Arya started squealing and throwing her arms out of happiness when Nat pulled back.

"We made this beautiful and happy baby with magic my love." she smiled up at me.

"No love. We made this beautiful and happy baby with sex magic and love...but mostly love." I joked and place a kiss on her lips.

Hi, I hope this was okay.

1346 words


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