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There was a new girl at school, Natasha Romanoff. She had been going for only two months and was already being bullied. Pietro Maximoff, Carol Danvers, James Barnes and Hope Pym had made her first few months there a living hell.

"Fuck." Natasha swore under her breath and as held on to her hand. She looked up in fear as the group surrounded her. Pietro laughed,"Sorry, didn't see you." he said with a horrible grin. Natasha, not wanting to start anything, got up from the ground and picked her bag up. "Leave me alone, please." she requested softly and tried walking away from them.

As she was walking, James grabbed the fabric handle of her backpack and pulled her towards him. The rest gathered around her, all towering over the 5'3 girl. "Where are you going so fast?" James laughed. Natasha tried backing up but was met with Carol's front torso. The girl pushed her back down to the ground and sent a kick towards Natasha's. Her pencil case fell out and dropped everything it had inside.

Eventually, all of them started kicking at her, a few hard hits to the face, a few to the body.

She didn't know what to do, she had herself in a ball.

She opened up her elbows, so she could peek through to look for an exit, and that's when she got it. One of her pens was lying on the floor, so without thinking, she picked it up and jammed it into the first person's legs that she could.

"Shit!" Pietro yelled in pain. The others stopped and looked down at his bleeding leg. A pen with the initials N. R and a few hearts on it was stabbed into his left calf.

This urged him to send one last kick towards her face, breaking her nose, and had James pick him up, so they could all get away.

Natasha got up from the floor, her face dropping with blood and her vision slightly blurry. Tears built up in her eyes as she pulled her phone from her bag's side pocket. She dialled a number and was relieved when the other person immediately picked up.

"Hey Lena, can you drive me home please?".

Once the call was over, she opened her selfie camera and groaned at the image of her face. A broken nose, busted lip, a cut wound big enough to require stitches right about her eyebrow and swollen eye.

"I hate high school." she sighed and walked off to the school parking lot where her younger sister would be waiting for her.

Later that day, at the Maximoff household, Pietro came limping in with James supporting his side. The two hoped they could get to his room without notifying anyone, but his twin sister immediately saw him from the living room couch.

"What the fuck happened here?" she said worried as she rushed to her brother's aid. "Idiot got himself stabbed." James said, without any remorse. Pietro hit him at the back of the head, knowing he couldn't do anything else.

Wanda was in the kitchen, making her brother's favourite tea when she asked,"So what happened?".

The two boys shared a look and then Pietro replied,"That new Romanoff girl.".

Wanda finished making the tea and took it inside. "Isn't she half your height." she asked. James chuckled and nodded. "Bitch stabbed me and ran away." Pietro said, nodding in thanks to his sister, who handed him the mug.

"Well it's nothing too serious, I think. I'll talk to her tomorrow."

Wanda was the opposite of her twin brother, but she didn't know this. She looked up to him, she worshiped the ground he walked on when they were younger. She thought he was a top student, loved by everyone because that's the story she got from everyone. Everyone, being all the people Pietro bullied into telling her that. So of course, she couldn't let something like this slide.

The next day, Wanda waited until lunch to confront the Romanoff girl. Once all the students were seated in the cafeteria, she picked up her lunch tray and walked over to her lunch table and felt her nerves started to spike when she realised Natasha wasn't alone.

Around the table sat Yelena Belova, Maria Hill, Steve Rogers, Kate Bishop and Natasha.

The whole group seemed to be huddled around Natasha, kind of like a protective wall from everything outside their group. Wanda sets her tray down on a random table and walks up to the group with determination. She tapped Natasha on the shoulder.

Yelena was the one that faced her, "What?" she asked Wanda. "Could I speak to Natasha?" she asked. Yelena went to respond, but Nat put her hand on her sister's shoulder.

Slowly, Romanoff turned around and Wanda was left stunned. Not only because of her injuries, but Wanda had never actually stopped to look at the girl properly. Her face flushed red and Natasha raised an eyebrow in question. Wanda pulled her attention away from how gorgeous she found Natasha and focused on her injuries. Why was she feeling this way? She'd never felt it before.

The shorter girl had stitches across her right eyebrow and cheek, her nose was seemingly broken, a black eye and cuts scattered all across her face. Natasha tried standing up but groaned, Yelena instantly stood up and assisted her sister.

By the time Natasha was fully stood up, Wanda was lost for words. Every single word she had planned to say, gone from her head.

"Could we speak outside?" Natasha asked. The brunette simply nodded and followed her classmate to the doors leading outside the cafeteria. She walked over to a bench with Wanda trailing behind her.

Once they were seated, it was Natasha who spoke first.

"You wanted to talk?" she asked, keeping her eyes locked onto her fidgeting hands. "Pietro um, he said...he said you stabbed him in the leg." Wanda stated as she mentally tried piecing everything together.

"Yes." the other girl said without any sign of regret.


Natasha looked at her incredulously. She gestured to her face, but Wanda still wasn't getting it. She let out a quiet chuckle. Natasha couldn't believe that Wanda hadn't known, you'd assume a twin would know if their twin was a dick. Fortunately for her, this wasn't the case.

"He beat me up. Him, Barnes, Danvers and Pym." the redhead said.

"Because you stabbed him?"

"Because your bother and his friends are bullies."

A silence sat between the two girls, Natasha not believing the other's confusion and Wanda trying to figure it all out. Natasha looked down at her watch and sighed, "Can we talk about this after school? I have business studies.". Wanda nodded, and smiled gently at Natasha.

She watched as the redhead walked toward the school doors, she had a thought. Contemplated if it was worth it and took the risk.

She ran up behind Natasha and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Could I maybe get your number?" Wanda asked a little nervous. Natasha took Wanda's hand in hers, sending a jittery feeling up the taller girl's arm, and wrote down her phone number.

"Text me." Natasha said and walked off to her business class.

Wanda looked down at the number in her hand and noticed a few hearts and tiny stars around the digits.

"This might be a bad idea."

Heyy, long time no see
1250 words
Part 2?

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