I'm Still out Here With the Pills and the Dogs

Start from the beginning

Old business partner?

Lin didn't have time to think about that.

"I suggest you leave." Lin said.

Kei took a step back, and that's when Lin noticed the little dime bag of white powder on the ground.

"Whose is it?" She demanded.

They all looked down. "It's the lady's." One of the men said.

"Yeah, she was trying to sell it to us." The other man said with a smirk.

Kya looked down at the bag, then up at Lin.

Shit. This is it. Lin's been looking for a reason to bust me for months.

Kya looked down at the ground, hating herself for leaving the house in the first place.

"Like I'd buy that bullshit." Lin scowled.

The three men went on the defensive. One of them kicked dust and rocks up at Lin, making her lower the gun and cover her face.

"Come on!" Kei yelled before the three men sprinted away.

"Hey, wait!" Lin went to chase after them, but the sound of Kya collapsing to the ground stopped her.

"Kya!" Lin rushed to her side.

She helped Kya up, throwing one of Kya's arms around her neck.

"I'm fine, I can get home on my- ah!" Kya yelled in pain as she held her side.

"Come on, my apartment is only a block from here. I have some first aid stuff there." Lin said as she helped Kya walk.

Lin helped Kya sit on the couch before grabbing the first aid kit from the bathroom.

"So, Sergeant, huh?" Kya asked as Lin cleaned the blood up from her nose and mouth.

"Yeah. Got the news today." Lin said quietly.

They sat in silence for a moment while Lin did her thing.

"So um, going out to celebrate?" Kya gestured to Lin's outfit.

"Yeah, I was on my way to meet Tenzin for dinner when- shit!"

Lin set the first aid box on the coffee table and rushed to the phone.

"Everything okay?" Kya asked.

"I need to tell Tenzin I won't make it to dinner." Lin said.

Kya felt a pang of guilt in her chest knowing she'd ruined her brother's date.

After a few minutes on the phone, Lin hung up and sat back down next to Kya.

"Nice place you got." Kya said softly.

"Thanks." Lin said.

Kya could tell Lin was nervous by the way her body tensed up and the way she kept moving around in her seat.

"Why didn't you believe them? About the bag on the ground?" Kya asked.

Lin chuckled. "You smoke weed, Kya. Not whatever the hell was on the ground. We might not be friends, but there's no chance in hell I would believe Tenzin's sister is doing hard drugs."

Kya was shocked. She knew she would've deserved it if Lin arrested her tonight. And she can't believe she didn't.

"Lin," Kya leaned forward. "I'm sorry." She said.

Lin was surprised at the words that came out of Kya's mouth. "What?" She asked.

"I've been treating you like shit. Being mean to you and yelling at you. And all you've done is.. your job. And you've just taken everything I've said to you." Kya looked down at her feet as she spoke.

"Kya.." Lin said.

"Tenzin told me you didn't want him saying anything to me but, I'm glad he did. I'm sorry for the way I've been acting, Lin. I'm glad you're dating my brother." Kya looked up at her.

Lin smiled softly at Kya.

"Thank you for apologizing." She said.

Kya smiled back at her.

"Lin? Is everything okay- Kya?" Tenzin came through the front door.

"Hey, Tenzin." Kya said awkwardly.

"Is everything okay?" He asked more hesitantly.

"Everything's fine, Tenzin." Lin said.

"Everything?" Tenzin raised an eyebrow.

Kya and Lin looked at each other before Kya gave a small smile. "Yeah. Everything." She said.

"Kya, what happened to your face?" Tenzin sat next to his sister.

"I could ask the same thing." Kya retorted with a smile.

Tenzin rolled his eyes as Lin snickered at Kya's remark.

"Lin, do you still want to go out?" Tenzin turned his head to look at Lin.

Lin looked between Tenzin and Kya. "No, actually I was wondering if you just wanted to pick something up and watch a movie." She said.

"That sounds great, Lin." Tenzin said.

"Kya, do you want to join us?" Lin asked.

Kya looked up with a surprised look.

She looked at Tenzin, expecting to see a face telling her to say no, tell her that she should spend time with her boyfriend.

But instead, Tenzin was smiling at her. He gave her a look of encouragement.

"I'd love to. Thank you, Lin." Kya said.

Tenzin stood up and walked towards the door. "This is great! I'll go get some food from that place you like, Kya. Lin, it's great, you'll love it. I'll even pick up milkshakes from that ice cream shop that's open late and-"

"Okay, Tenzin." Lin chuckled. "We'll see you when you get back." She said.

Lin kissed him before he walked out of the door.

Lin sat next to Kya and turned on the television. "Anything specific you'd like to watch?" She asked.

"Anything you chose is fine. After all, it is your celebration." Kya smiled.

Lin smiled back at Kya before flipping through the movies.

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