5.01 Mama, I'm In Love With A Criminal

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"Is he asleep?" As he drove through the Pennsylvania roads, Sam Wilson glanced in his rearview mirror

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"Is he asleep?" As he drove through the Pennsylvania roads, Sam Wilson glanced in his rearview mirror. The girl to his side twisted her body around to check on the soldier. The soldier in question had his head leaned against the window, arms crossed over his chest while he hung slightly slack and his eyes were firmly shut. Being a member of the centenarian club, Bucky found road-tripping a particularly sleepy task.

"Told you I was the better shotgun option." Charlie Redmond said as she turned back around and fixed her seat belt. Plucking up a few corn chips from their bag, she glanced at the cloudy sky. Rain was coming; she could tell.

Sam scoffed a little. "I don't know which is worst, his oldies or your 90's-2000s mix."

"Don't disrespect Ms. Spears like that." She held her heart in mock offense, and he shook his head.

"How do you even know this stuff anyway? You weren't even born when it came out."

"There's this new thing called Youtube, and it lets you listen to songs from way back in the olden days, like the 90s."

Lips pressed into a line; he shot her a sideways glare. "You're hilarious." She hummed back in response. From the corner of his eye, he could see her knee bouncing. After a moment, he said. "I'm proud of you. You know that, right?"

Charlie stopped eating. Her entire body froze up, and she wasn't sure exactly what to say. She wasn't even sure if she believed him. 

Fingers playing with the corner of the bag, she ignored the words best she could. "Do you visit her a lot?"

Lightly, he shook his head. "It's a long flight. Last time I visited was a couple of months ago." Charlie nodded, and he added. "I do shots with her picture, though."

Brows furrowed, Charlie leaned in. "Really?"

"On her birthday, I do the same for Steve." A smile landed on Sam's face as he thought of their time on the run that led to a horrible game of Never Have I Ever, where Steve surprisingly managed to hold his own. Another memory popped into his mind, and he chuckled. "There's one of us squeezing into the photo booth 'cause neither of them had ever been." Charlie couldn't help but laugh a little at the thought of all three, broad shoulders and all, barely managing it. She had a similar memory with Alex, Jackie, and herself, but it was much easier since Alex was extremely thin, she was relatively small, and Jackie had no problem sitting on their laps to fit in. "You should take Bucky one of these days. It might be nice to get him out of the house more."

"Stop trying to make us bond." Charlie rolled her eyes. She had no problem with Bucky, but Sam was a bit heavy-handed when creating activities for them. At one point, he bought them movie tickets to a horror movie which was not the best thing for two naturally on-edge people with killer instincts and PTSD.

Lifting the tops of his fingers off the steering wheel, he reasoned. "I'm just saying he needs some company when he's in New York."

"I visit." She countered.

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