3.02 Everybody Talks Too Much

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It wasn't that Charlie was for Vision dying, however when push came to shove, she wasn't fully against it

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It wasn't that Charlie was for Vision dying, however when push came to shove, she wasn't fully against it. Big bad Thanos wanted the infinity stone to kill half the planet; take away the stone, prevent him from becoming unstoppable and save half the planet(minus one Vision).

"We don't trade lives, Vision," Steve said firmly, then shot a look at the youngest person in the room. She hadn't said anything but wondered if he could sense a disturbance in the force.

The girl in question was leaning on the desk and fiddling with the small succulent May had brought Tony as a housewarming gift, it still had the little "BEST BOSS" sticker Peter had attached to it. Her fingertip gently toyed with the lifting side of the sticker, then smoothed it out.

Reflexively, Charlie cast a glance over the room. Everybody looked like shit.

She still hadn't been able to look at any of the Avengers that had left her for longer than a few seconds, and each time she felt a wave of emotion, they looked so much like strangers— they were strangers. So, instead, she spared glances at Rhodes. Well-tempered and loyal, he monitored the conversation thoroughly and kept his worry off his sleeve.

Between the visits and extravagant sleepovers, Charlie had become appreciative of the lieutenant. Not only was he the only adult she referred to by his last name(aside from teachers), but he also knew how to tolerate her boundary-pushing behavior. Unlike Happy who's nearly lost his shit when she snuck her way into the very private tech rooms of the compound, Rhodes just explained that she shouldn't get too close to the ray guns unless she wanted to lose an eyebrow while Tony took it as a challenge to secure the room impeccably.

Vision walked slowly to the beard having Steve Rogers. "Captain, seventy years ago you laid down your life to save how many millions of people?" Vision questioned as Steve met his steps, "Tell me, why is this different?"

Steve made a face of disagreement, but before he could speak, Bruce piped up. "Because you might have a choice."

The entire room's focus settled on the scientist. "Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays: Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me, the stone. All of them mixed together, all of them learning from one another."

Wanda leaned forward. "You're saying Vision isn't just the stone?"

"I'm saying that if we take out the stone... there's still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts." Bruce now had everybody curious.

"Can we do that?" Natasha asked, the heroes desperate for the answer.

"Not me, not here," Bruce said after a moment.

Charlie stifled an eye roll and locked eyes with Rhodes in the "fucking scientist" way they did anytime Peter and Tony did something ridiculous. Now, slightly less optimistic, Rhodes crossed his arms. "Well, you better find someone and somewhere fast. Ross isn't just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back."

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