4.13 Deal With It

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On the roof of a building I didn't know, I caught my breath for a moment

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On the roof of a building I didn't know, I caught my breath for a moment. Prague was built differently from Queens, and the parkour here had a slight learning curve I appreciated because it took my mind off everything. Staring out to the city, I wondered how the hell I even got here.

"Hey," A man said, and I pulled out the stolen dagger from my boot. Beck raised his hands in peace and quirked a lip. "Sorry, didn't mean to spook you." 

"What do you want?" I tucked the dagger back in the side panel. Bucky bought me them specially, much to Sam's dismay(he didn't approve of anything that would encourage more weapons on my person), but Bucky wanted me to have something just in case.

"Are you always this kind?" He chuckled taking a seat next to me. "Bad joke, sorry." His big eyes looked out to the city and I clenched my jaw. "You've got guts, I'll tell you that. Not a lot of people would stand up to Fury like that." Rolling my eyes, I scoffed at his attempts to bond and he raised an eyebrow. "You don't like me very much, do you?"

"What gave it away?"

"That's okay."

"Why are you talking to me?" I inspected him.

"What do you mean?"

Little white sparks crackled on me dancing on my fingertips. "On your world, I'm an evil priestess that got your whole family killed." Pulling my fingers into a fist, I extinguished the light. "Why would you trust me?"

"Because from what I hear, you had a similar thing happen to you." He replied, earnestly and our eyes met. "Fury made the whole team get debriefed on you and Peter." His attention dropped to the tile beneath us, then he looked up at me. "I'm sorry for your loss."

A calmness was forced into my words. "I barely knew them."

After a second, he looked at me. "They seemed like good people and great warriors."

"Not that great if they're dead." I was so sick of hearing about them, over and over, and hearing about how great they were as heroes. The people they saved, the lives they lived. How I wasn't... Stop it. 

"That's not—"

Before he could continue, I jumped off the roof and swung on the guard rail of the building beside us.


Headquarters wasn't that far from the hotel, which made it easier for Peter to move back and forth. Even with the parkour and chat, I still had the rage boiling my chest. It had grown into something more than hatred for Nick Fury.

"Who pissed in your cornflakes?" Jonathan asked as I pushed past him through the hallway to get to my room.

"Bite me," I replied, taking off my jacket as I entered my room. The door clicked softly closed, automatically locking, and I stripped out of my clothes.

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